一個sprint 或是iteration 應該要有多長?

How Long should be a Sprint or Iteration ?

一個iteration要有多長了, 通常是一開始要run agile的人, 所要痛苦掙扎的問題之一. 太短怕做不完, 太長又覺得feedback太慢. 以下是作者認為要考慮的因素:

1. 管理上的overhead
- Each iteration needs a planning meeting/ game to kick start the iteration, closing/ review meeting, and a retrospective at the end of iteration.
- Although one can say that the size of these meetings would depend on the length of sprint, so as long as these meetings comprise say just 10% of overall time available for a sprint/ iteration, it should be fine.
- If meetings are taking longer, then there are generally Process Smells - Product Owners who have not done their homework correctly or have not had the chance to review the deliverables properly.

2. 回饋和彈性
- Shorter the duration of the sprint/ iteration, earlier the feedback and correction and more flexibility, longer the duration of the sprint/ iteration, longer the correction - more chances of canceling the sprint and more chances of things being obsolete.

3. 多好的銷售團隊  
- If the marketing team is good, then the product owner will break the stories or tasks small enough to keep sprint/ iteration length small.
- Product Owner would know the worth and priority for each story or task and help the team pick up most important stuff - minimizing stuff thats not needed - helping the team become Agile.

- This is generally the most important factor in deciding a sprint length.
- Assuming the team has a good marketing leadership, one reason the team does not commit to a smaller iteration is lack of confidence in themselves.

通常來說, agile都會要求較短的iteration. 那較短的iteration有什麼好處呢? 以下是作者認為的原因:
1. Short sprints make certain bad habits impossible to get away with and certain good habits more attractive to learn.

2. Shorter sprints or iterations are difficult for product management team but also most desirable as they can make changes quickly.

3. Shorter sprints or iterations force continuous evaluation regularly and quickly.

4. Shorter sprints or iterations also allows the team to establish an empirical velocity very quickly.

目前我們team是採用2 weeks當做一個iteration, 因為剛開始run, 現在還困難重重, 之後有結果再跟大家報告

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