要進行Test Automation時, 其可能的組織架構為何?

最近有人請我和他們團隊, 一起討論如何開始進行test automation. 這真是一個很大的題目, 實在不容易回答

這裡我提供了一些想法, 有關於test automation常見的組織結構:

Organization 1
A. Role
 - Only limited dedicated test developers do test automation programs
 - Other QAs do manual testing
B. Working Model
 - Test developers writes test programs and run them
 - Other QAs do manual testing
C. Pro
 - Ease to start
 - Ease to have the progress
D. Con
 - No one knows what test developers do
 - Not too many things can be automated because recouse is limited
 - Test developers might want to transfer to other teams or want to be a RD because no one can discuss with them

Organization 2
A. Role
 - Limited dedicated test developers do test automation frameworks
B. Working Model
 - Test developer writes test programs or frameworks
 - Other QAs run test programs using test developers' program or tools
C. Pro
 - More things can be automated because test developers have more time to develop for other targets
 - More testing scenarios can be developed
D. Con
 - QAs think they have extra jobs, so the priority of this kind job could be low.
 - QAs need scripting skill, otherwises the quality of test automation could be low.

Organization 3
A. Role
 - No dedicated test developer
B. Working Model
 - Everyone needs to do test automation
C. Pro
 - Every one can do test automation, more things can be automated
D. Con
 - More jobs because QAs need to do manual testing and automated testing at the same time.

我發現似乎這些組織架構是無法一蹴可成,也就是說無法說要跳哪一種就哪一種, 因為它會有一些前提要滿足,否則要想這樣也做不到.

不知大家對這樣的組織分類有什麼想法, 還是你們公司有不同的作法?


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