Performance Testing的書其實也不多, 但至少比agile testing多一點. 而且大多是Microsoft所寫的書. 軟體大廠是真的有他厲害的地方, 雖然你還覺得Microsoft的Bug不少, 但是他在各方面還是下了不少功夫, 有許多地方還是值得我們借鏡

1. Integrated Approach to Web Performance Testing: A Practitioner's Guide
by B. M. Subraya

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這些是我目前找到有關agile testing的相關書籍, 看起來真的不多, 所以大部分的時候還是要找一些paper or industry reports來看看

A. Agile Testing
1. Lessons Learned in Software Testing 
by Cem Kaner, James Bach, Bret Pettichord

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"有錢人想的和你不一樣" 摘要(2)

1. 有錢人相信:我創造我的人生 窮人相信:人生發生在我身上
(1) 窮人不為自己生命中的 一切負責, 卻選擇了要扮演受害者
(2) 受害者的特徵
    - 責怪: 做錯事的永遠是別人或是別的事情, 一定不是自己
    - 合理化: 常聽見他們在找藉口, 或是想辦法證明他們是合理的

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Regression testing strategy  - test suite maintenance

I also found some articles that they suggests we can review our test cases frequently. Then the number or correctness of test cases can controlled. It's also useful for regression test because about 30% useless test cases can be removed.

Test Suite Maintenance
(1) After several release cycles, a regression test suite can become quite large.

(2) Some test cases can be discarded

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B. Retest Changed Segments
(1) Intent
    Use code change analysis to select a partial regression test suite.

(2) Context
    The available time, personnel or equipment is not sufficient for a full regression run.

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