要不要採用Scrum 或者ScrumBut也不錯

To Scrum or not to Scrum, or ScrumBut?

"我們現在正在run ScrumBut.... 這意味著並沒有完全在作Scrum. 沒有完全在作Scrum可能意味著, 你可能無法得到像全面在執行Scrum時的好處" Dennis Stevens在他的blog中描述著(http://www.dennisstevens.com/2009/03/05/were-doing-scrum-but/)

通常大家會這樣解釋 也就是非黑即白. 也就是你如果沒有套用Sceum所有key principles, 你就不是Scrum. 但是事實上你作ScrumBut, 並不意味著你都不能得到Scrum所帶來的好處.

有很多組織, 他們仍然用傳統的方法在執行專, 像這樣的組織可能很難全面地採用scrum, 因此在導入時要非常小心. 可能在一開始的時候, 並不是所有的key principles都要被執行.

但是這會意味著你將不會得到任何好處呢? 不, 並不是這樣的.

在ControlChaos website(http://www.controlchaos.com/)中提到:
“ScrumButs are reasons why they can’t take full advantage of Scrum to solve the problems and realize the benefits.”
他並且列出了一些例子, 在Team, Two week iterations, Scrumboard, Burndown, Testing, Specification方面, 雖然沒有遵守scrum的作法, 但是仍然有幫助. 這裡我只結路數個範例, 其餘請自原作者網站閱讀:

1. Two week iterations
We defined iterations of two weeks. Making it smaller did not give us the feeling we could really deliver anything, but making it larger results in being less agile than we want in this project. The specification and roadmap are not clear enough to determine what we’re going to pick up in the near future.

2. Scrumboard
We have a paper Scrum board with post-its. This makes it possible, even with a team of three members, to pick up tasks from the highest prio sprint backlog item. For us it really makes clear who is working on which task, and what the overall progress is.

3. Testing
Each tasks done by an engineer is being tested by another engineer. Testing a task includes checking: code, functionality, unit testing, documentation, running the application (and perform some simple actions just to check deployment still works) and test against the real system as well (not only the test environment).
And that’s in fact our current definition of ‘done’. 

Scrum可以帶來許多好處, ScrumBut會比較少, 但並不是一點都沒有, 也不會有壞處.


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