

When Not to Use Scrum
author: Charles Bradley

很多人常常問我, 甚麼狀況下不適合使用scrum. 因為很多人認為他們的project, 適不適合使用scrum的.

對我來說, 應該是大部分的狀況, 都是可以使用scrum, 最多只是做一些調整而已.

今天看到這篇文章, 解了我不少疑惑. 因為能不能run, 人才是最重要的關鍵. 如果人沒有心想要改變, 那仙丹也幫不了你. 更何況scrum 也不是仙丹. 可是我們通常是mindset沒有改變, 卻想要有不同的結果.

這就像愛因斯坦所說的, 他對insanity下了一個定義: do the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results. 很多人在做的事情就像是這樣.

以下是作者所提出的觀點, 若是有以下狀況便不適用:

1. Companies who will actively or passively work against Scrum and its major principles.

2. Companies who are expecting a lot of benefits from Scrum but cannot commit to doing Scrum in a good faith, holistic, way

3. Companies that like to matrix numerous people into numerous projects.

4. Teams who cannot commit to a week of fairly fixed scope (say, where < ~70-80% of the scope is fixed for a week).

5. Teams where members and/or leaders will actively or passively work against Scrum and its major principles.




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