Becoming a More Agile Tester

Posted by Johanna Rothman

 這是另外一篇網路上討論agile testing的文章, enjoy it

1. What’s Agile?
(1) Agile is providing a continuous stream of value to your customers.
(2) The two most important aspects of Agile are:
    - Increase the rate of feedback
    - Reduce the waste
(上次有一篇談到agile的精神在於feedback, 這一篇也是相同的看法)
(3) A good way to describe agile is by saying what it is not. So, agile is not about:
    - Compressing the schedule, nor
    - Tossing out the documentation, and certainly not
    - Coding up to the last minute.
(很多team在run agile的時候, 大家很容易會有這些誤解. 其實這些只是外顯出來表象, 可是大家卻只是注意到這些東西, 所以導致大家apply後怨聲載道的, 認為agile沒有用)   
(4) It is all about maximum value for minimal cost.

2. Testers Need to Adapt to Project Conditions
(1) Developers not quite done
(2) Testing time squished
(3) Change in project process to Agile development
    - Test-driven development
    - Tester help elicit and define requirements
(4) In any case, testers have to adapt to current project reality and expect change

3. Testing Depends on What Developers Deliver
(1) No matter what approaches you take, testing depends on what the developers deliver and when
(2) The issue is how quickly can you effectively test once the developers have delivered something

4. How Little Planning Can You Do?
(1) If developers implement by slice, can you test by slice?
    - Implement by slice means: for a small piece of functionality, implement everything required for the functionality, from GUI to middleware to backend
    - Plan to test this slice, develop tests for this slice, run and report problems. If developers implement by slice (a technique from the agile lifecycles), they are more likely to deliver something that works

5. Assess Your Test Assets
Type of tests                                        Req-based       Arch-based         Design-based         Code-based
automated, GUI-based
automated, under GUI-based

(2) You are the most agile in the bottom right corner
(3) You are the least agile in the top left corner
(你落在哪個區塊中, 是左上, 還是右下呢?
(4) Here’s why:
    - If you depend on define requirements and testing through the GUI, you have to wait for a more complete product than if you can take code and test any way you can through the code
    - The longer the developers take to deliver the product, the fewer options you have to test the product
(這是我們目前QA最大的問題: 沒有拿到程式就無法做測試.
因此當你拿到可測試的系統時, 往往都是已經到了很後面的階段.
在這個階段你能有的選擇已經不多了: 很多是需要花時間才成解決的問題
可是在這樣的惡性循環下, 大家只會對QA的工作, 越來越失去興趣; 對受測軟體的品質, 越來越覺得可笑)

“Becoming a More Agile Tester”, Johanna Rothman


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