Agile Testing Introduction

我survey了Bret Pettichord幾篇介紹agile testing的簡報. 我想應該可以幫大家快速入門

Agile/Agile methodologies
Agile Testing
Agile Activities and Reality Check
QA Paradigm
4 Practices for Agile Testing

Part I Agile/Agile methodologies
1. The Agile Alliance Values
“We have come to value:
Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
Working software over comprehensive documentation
Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
Responding to change over following a plan

That is, while there is value in the items on
the right, we value the items on the left more."
(這裡提到了agile的宣言, 也就是agile的核心精神所在)

2. Agile Development Methodologies
(根據agile宣言, 大家發展出不同的開發方法)
Extreme Programming (XP)
Adaptive Software Development (ASD)
Feature Driven Development (FDD)
Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM)

3. XP Practices
Test-First Programming
Pair Programming
Short Iterations & Releases
“User Stories"
Acceptance Testing

4. Responding to Change vs. Following a Plan
(1) Change includes learning
    - We don’t know everything at the start
(2) Two Approaches to Planning
    - Planning is hard, therefore we must get better at it
    - Planning is hard, therefore we must reduce the need for it
(3) Agile development is an empirical practice focused on working code (working code over detailed documentation)
(4) The uncertainties of planning are mitigated with frequent reality checks
(5) The biggest innovations in testing today are coming from the agile community
(這裡講出了agile心態上同: 擁抱改變, 而不是只是照著計劃走)

Part II Agile Testing
1. What is Agile Testing?
(1) Testing practice that follows the agile manifesto, treating development as the customer of testing
    - In this light the context-driven manifesto provides a set of principles for agile testing.
(2) Testing practice for projects using agile methodologies.

2. Context-Driven Testing
(Context-Driven Testing是作者提出用來做agile testing的方法)
(1) Principles
    - The value of any practice depends on context.
    - Practices may be good in context, but there are no best practices.
    - People, working together, are the most important part of any project’s context.
    - Projects unfold are often not predictable
    - The product is a solution. If the problem isn’t solved, the product doesn’t work.
    - Good software testing is a challenging intellectual process
    - Only through judgment and skill, exercised cooperatively throughout the entire project, are we able to do the right things at the right times to effectively test our products.
(2) Context-driven testing is an agile approach to testing regardless of whether development is agile

3. The Role of Testing
(1) Testing is the headlights of the project
    - Where are you now? Where do you headed?
(2) Testing provides information to the team
    - This allows the team to make informed decisions
(3) A “bug” is anything that could bug a user
    - Testers don’t make the final call
(4) Testing does not assure quality
    - The team does (or doesn’t)
(5) Testing is not a game of “gotcha”
    - Find ways to set goals, rather than focus on mistakes

4. Concerns for Testers
(1) Acceptance testing has not been well adhered to by XP teams
(2) Only verifying stories focuses on success rather than risk
(3) Clumsy story definition impacts testing more than development
(4) Need to iterate testing too

5. How Testers Can Prove Their Value
(1) Demonstrate a helpful perspective in defining software expectations.
(2) Provide information. Don’t act like a gatekeeper.
(3) Adapt to changing project goals.
(4) Work with what you have, ask for what you need to know, document what you can

6. Should Testers Go Along with This?
(1) Some say that XP is an invitation to poor quality and an excuse for hacking.
(2) I think that XP is exciting and will improve the practice of testing in the industry.
    - XP developers are writing unit tests and unit testing tools
    - Kent Beck’s next book is Test-Driven Development
    - XP projects are finding new ways to build in testability and support automated tests.


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