A catalogue of Test Automation Benefits ...
有天有人問作者 test automation的好處是什麼, 因此引發他想寫篇文章在探討這個議題. 它分成真的好處, 假的好處, 以及有條件的好處, 完全鬼扯的等四種狀況來敘述.
Real: 就作者的觀點, 他認為test automation是真的可以達到這些好處. (不過我覺得有些好處好像講的好酸的樣子)
- Consistent and Accurate Test results (nearly free from human errors) – when accuracy and accurate results are important? – Numerical calculations
- Untiring and can be run for long hours without any loss of efficiency
- Quick – No think time while running tests. (Computer program does not think – So not useful in those cases where you need to think as you execute. How does automation program help you to gain speed when thinking is required?) (這好像是在講test automation的致命缺點)
- Supplements human ability to spot software bugs
- Helps to run big number of data combinations – can test robustness
- Helps in multi platform combinations (OS/browser/database and other application setups)
- Repeat the testing (test execution) done for configuration A in Configuration B also.
- Hence increased Test coverage
- Following non test execution tasks
- Generate and manage special set of test data
- Large Volume Test comparisons
- Automated workflows and alerts
- Environment setup
Fake: (一般謠傳test automation會有以下好處)
- Improvement in application quality (automation can not improve application quality – even testing can not … only developers and business analysts can) (品質是內建的, 測試只是告訴你他有多好. 如果本來就不好, 不是靠testing來改的)
- Improvement in Test process (Test process is pre-requisite for automation)
- Non technical people can do automation – no programming language required
- Improved test planning (not sure how)
- By executing a set of test cases for a specified number of times – ROI from automation can be realized.
Conditional: (這些好處是可實現, 也還算合理的. 但是前提要有一些嚴格的條件發生才行. 若是這些條件沒有被滿足, 那就不會有這些好處發生)
- Simply – saves time.
- Test effort reduction
- Improved Time to market
- Improved test productivity
- 24x7 testing possible
- Knowledge retention
Totally outrageous:
(有些好處實在是鬼扯, 像是sales的說詞. 完全不了解QA是如何做測試, 或是測試到底在做什麼, 以及test automation是如何運作的. 他們只是單純認為機器會比人好.)
- An automation test execution is equal to an hour of skilled human testing
- Automation can replicate human interactions
- Reduced dependency on human testers
- Solves problem of resource crunch and less time available for testing
- Reduced defect rate – fewer defects