Agile 的衰敗緣由
The Decline and Fall of Agile
我想很多人一定讀過"The Art of Agile Development", 它是一本很紅agile 書籍, 在Amazon上有四顆半的評價. 可是作者在2008年11月時, 寫了一篇文章談Agile的誤用與衰亡.
雖然Agile現在似乎是當紅, 可是作者卻唱衰地說, Agile可能在幾年後走向敗亡的道路.
因為剛開始時, 別人都是要做這去教他們怎麼用agile, 可是現在卻是叫作者去救急. 因為他們apply agile後遭遇到很多問題. 像是無法meeting iteration commitments, a lot of technical debt, 和測試要花很長的時間等等.
甚至有同行還笑稱 "Rescuing Scrum teams keeps me in business". 聽起來很糟, 但卻是事實.
所以作者覺得 agile這行應該快有問題了, 尤其Scrum讓這種情況更加惡化
(1) Scrum works in short cycles and doesn't include any engineering practices, it's very easy for teams using Scrum to throw out design.
- Up-front design doesn't work when you're using short cycles, and Scrum doesn't provide a replacement.
- Without continuous, incremental design, Scrum teams quickly dig themselves a gigantic hole of technical debt.
(2) People just adopt rapid cycles(Sprints and Scrums), but none of the good stuff that makes rapid cycles sustainable.
(3) People aren't working in shared workspaces or emphasizing high-bandwidth communication.
- They're don't have on-site customers or work in cross-functional teams.
- They don't even finish all of their stories by the end of each Sprint, let alone deliver releasable software, and they certainly don't use good engineering practices.
(4) People look at agile methods as a chinese menu of practices, choose the few that look cool, and ditch the rest. Unfortunately, the parts they leave out are the parts that make Agile work.
我認為是這就像王安石變法一樣, 立意雖佳, 但是若是執行的人不佳, 結果還是不好的. 這也樣當初在推OO一樣, 都是表面上像OO, 但是內部精神上並沒有把原汁原味給做到位.
作者寫完後, 目前已有133人給他feedback, 我想這是很驚人的回應. 很值得大家去看看, 尤其是你現在run agile, 特別是Scrum的人, 好好小心是否自己也有相同的問題.
The Decline and Fall of Agile
我想很多人一定讀過"The Art of Agile Development", 它是一本很紅agile 書籍, 在Amazon上有四顆半的評價. 可是作者在2008年11月時, 寫了一篇文章談Agile的誤用與衰亡.
雖然Agile現在似乎是當紅, 可是作者卻唱衰地說, Agile可能在幾年後走向敗亡的道路.
因為剛開始時, 別人都是要做這去教他們怎麼用agile, 可是現在卻是叫作者去救急. 因為他們apply agile後遭遇到很多問題. 像是無法meeting iteration commitments, a lot of technical debt, 和測試要花很長的時間等等.
甚至有同行還笑稱 "Rescuing Scrum teams keeps me in business". 聽起來很糟, 但卻是事實.
所以作者覺得 agile這行應該快有問題了, 尤其Scrum讓這種情況更加惡化
(1) Scrum works in short cycles and doesn't include any engineering practices, it's very easy for teams using Scrum to throw out design.
- Up-front design doesn't work when you're using short cycles, and Scrum doesn't provide a replacement.
- Without continuous, incremental design, Scrum teams quickly dig themselves a gigantic hole of technical debt.
(2) People just adopt rapid cycles(Sprints and Scrums), but none of the good stuff that makes rapid cycles sustainable.
(3) People aren't working in shared workspaces or emphasizing high-bandwidth communication.
- They're don't have on-site customers or work in cross-functional teams.
- They don't even finish all of their stories by the end of each Sprint, let alone deliver releasable software, and they certainly don't use good engineering practices.
(4) People look at agile methods as a chinese menu of practices, choose the few that look cool, and ditch the rest. Unfortunately, the parts they leave out are the parts that make Agile work.
我認為是這就像王安石變法一樣, 立意雖佳, 但是若是執行的人不佳, 結果還是不好的. 這也樣當初在推OO一樣, 都是表面上像OO, 但是內部精神上並沒有把原汁原味給做到位.
作者寫完後, 目前已有133人給他feedback, 我想這是很驚人的回應. 很值得大家去看看, 尤其是你現在run agile, 特別是Scrum的人, 好好小心是否自己也有相同的問題.