Agile Testing 的策略

作者過去曾經設計很heavy的testing strategy, 並且試圖讓人知道為什麼要這麼做, 以及要做些什麼事

但是他也發現, 不管先前做這些事的意圖多麼正當, 可是在執行的過程中常常無法達到那樣的效果

所以他在最近一次的project中, 他改良出一版lean testing strategy. 他認為這次是比較有用, 並且比較實務

所以就讓我們來看看, 作者改良後的testing strategy為何:

Phase: Project Set Up
    * Understand the project
    * Collect information about the project
    * Create a test knowledge repository

Phase: Planning & Analysis or Release Planning
    * Assist in the definition and scope of stories
    * Develop test plans based on planning session

Phase: Development Iterations
    * Risk analysis during the sprint/iteration planning
    * Construct acceptance tests for each story
    * Develop business functionality validation plan
    * Document and write tests for defects
    * Automate with both unit and UI tests
    * Assist in functional review/demo
    * Accept User stories

Phase: Hardening Iterations
    * Regression test
    * Business acceptance testing
    * Develop release readiness plan
    * Run performance tests

Phase: Release
    * Assist in release readiness
    * Plan test release data and tests
    * Accept the Release

作者認為根據這個strategy, 它可以deliver經得起考驗的軟體, 但是又不會有像傳統測試一樣, 需要有大量文件撰寫的負擔

    創作者 kojenchieh 的頭像

    David Ko的學習之旅

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