雖然最近經濟不景氣, 老闆還是要我們盡量能找一些優秀的員工進來, 因此特別詢問了一下, 我們是如何找的QA. 剛好最近正在看 "How We Test Software at Microsoft", 書中提到好的QA應該要有這些特質. 雖然是老生常談, 但是重要的還是就是這些東西. 需知道有時候越是基本的東西, 通常是越難練的.
1. Analytical Problem Solving
- problem decomposition and RCA are key to driving quality upstream
2. Customer-Focused Innovation
- need to care about customers and see how software can help solve problems
3. Technical Excellence
- need to understand the skills company wants
- how they apply to daily jobs or system under test
4. Project Management
- time management
5. Passion for Quality
6. Strateguc Insight
- find the breakthrough that values us ahead of the competition
7. Confidence
8. Impact and influence
- impact comes from knowing how to make a change happen
- influence comes from confidence and experience.
9. Cross-Boundary Collaboration