

What you need to know about BVT (Build Verification Testing)

1. 什麼是BVT (Build Verification Testing)?
(1) 在每天新版本出來時, 為了確認是否能對它做進一步的測試, 我們必須做一些簡易的測試, 以確保這個版本是已經準備好了. 這個簡易的測試就叫BVT.
(2) 通常所執行的測試個案是core functionality, 以確保受測系統是穩定的, 能夠被徹底測試的
(3) 一般來說, BVT是被自動化的
(4) 如果BVT失敗, 必須有開發人員被指派去修復
(5) BVT通常又叫做smoke testing 或 build acceptance testing (BAT)

2. 剛出來的版本主要要檢查兩件事情
Build validation
Build acceptance

3. Some BVT basics:
(1) 它只有驗證所有功能的一部份
(2) BVT通常跑在每日所產生的版本上, 如果BVT失敗, 這個版本就會被退回. 當修好之後, 另一個新的版本會出來
(3) BVT的優點是可以節省測試團隊的effort, 可以幫助測試是否主功能都能正確運作
(4) BVT必須小心設計, 只讓它包含基本的功能測試.
(5) 通常BVT不會執行超過30分鐘
(6) BVT是一種回歸測試, 用在每次的新版本上面

4. 哪些測試個案必須被包含到BVT中?

在進行自動化BVT的工作前, 這是一個非常tricky的決定. 要記住, BVT的成功是取決於哪些測試個案被放到你的BVT中.

這裡有些技巧, 幫助你決定哪些測試個案要放到BVT automation suite中:
(1) Include only critical test cases in BVT.
(2) All test cases included in BVT should be stable.
(3) All the test cases should have known expected result.
(4) Make sure all included critical functionality test cases are sufficient for application test coverage.
(5) Also do not includes modules in BVT, which are not yet stable.

BVT automation suits需要時時刻刻被維護和修改. 例如: 當你有新的穩定的modules, 你就要把他的BVT測試個案加進去

5. 當BVT suite在執行時, 哪些事情需要處理 :
1) The result of BVT execution is sent to all the email ID’s associated with that project.
2) The BVT owner (person executing and maintaining the BVT suite) inspects the result of BVT.
3) If BVT fails then BVT owner diagnose the cause of failure.
4) If the failure cause is defect in build, all the relevant information with failure logs is sent to respective developers.
5) Developer on his initial diagnostic replies to team about the failure cause. Whether this is really a bug? And if it’s a bug then what will be his bug-fixing scenario.
6) On bug fix once again BVT test suite is executed and if build passes BVT, the build is passed to test team for further detail functionality, performance and other testes.

每當有一個新的版本產生時, 這個流程就反覆被執行

6. 為什麼BVT或是新的版本會有問題?

BVT有時會失敗, 但是不一定意味著新的版本有問題. 有其他的原因會造成失敗, 像是測試個案寫錯, 自動化程式寫錯, 環境錯誤或是硬體有問題等等. 你必須要檢查錯的原因, 加

7. 幫助BVT成功的秘訣
1) Spend considerable time writing BVT test cases scripts.
2) Log as much detailed info as possible to diagnose the BVT pass or fail result. This will help developer team to debug and quickly know the failure cause.
3) Select stable test cases to include in BVT. For new features if new critical test case passes consistently on different configuration then promote this test case in your BVT suite. This will reduce the probability of frequent build failure due to new unstable modules and test cases.
4) Automate BVT process as much as possible. Right from build release process to BVT result - automate everything.
5) Have some penalties for breaking the build  Some chocolates or team coffee party from developer who breaks the build will do.


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