Exploratory Testing 新書介紹
等了很久終於有人為exploratory testing 出書了, 作者是很有名的專家, 在microsoft有很崇高的地位, 不過在2009時加入了Google, 看起來Google應該也是很重視測試才會把他挖角過去吧!!
Exploratory Software Testing: Tips, Tricks, Tours, and Techniques to Guide Test Design
by James A. Whittaker
根據Amazon所列出來的主題, 看起來都是很吸引人的, 不過這本書要九月才出版, 看起來台灣要上架,可能要到十月了
‧ Why do some bugs remain invisible to automated testing--and how can I uncover them?
‧ What techniques will help me consistently discover and eliminate “show stopper” bugs?
‧ How do I make manual testing more effective--and less boring and unpleasant?
‧ What’s the most effective high-level test strategy for each project?
‧ Which inputs should I test when I can’t test them all?
‧ Which test cases will provide the best feature coverage?
‧ How can I get better results by combining exploratory testing with traditional script or scenario-based testing?
‧ How do I reflect feedback from the development process, such as code changes?
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