一些進行scrum of scrums會議的建議 (2)

Advice on Conducting the Scrum of Scrums Meeting

May 2007 
Posted by Mike Cohn
published in Scrum Alliance Website

一個好的scrum of scrums會議的議程, 就像daily standup 會議一樣,通常會問以下問題:

What did you do yesterday?
What will you do today
What obstacles are in your way or slowing you down?

因為scrum of scrums會議畢竟不是daily standup會議, 所以作者會加以修改一下, 並且加上第四個問題

What has your team done since we last met?
What will your team do before we meet again?
Is anything slowing your team down or getting in their way?
Are you about to put something in another team’s way?

最後一個問題特別有用, 特別是多個團隊一起合作. 你可以事先通知大家, 潛在的問題或是障礙.

Scrum of scrums會議會分成兩個階段. 在第一階段的時候, 需要去回答這四個問題. 就像daily scrum一樣, 希望能保持快節奏, 以及過程很簡潔.

我們使用一個技巧: no names can be used. 我發現它對於達到上述目標(快速和簡潔), 是非常有用的. 我們會使用它, 主要有兩個原因:
(1) Leaving out names keeps the discussion at the appropriate level of detail. While attending the meeting, I want to hear about each team, not about each person on each team.
(2) Too many people equate importance with how long they talk during a meeting. Removing the ability to describe the activities and plans of each person on a team goes a long way to keeping this part of the meeting short.

在這個時候, 只需要知道有這些狀況, 但不需討論解答, 必須等到所有人, 把上面四個問題都回答完後, 再開始討論.

當第一階段結束後, 這時候大家才開始真正對於第一階段的問題深入探討, 或者對於之前在scrum of scrums會議的backlog中的問題加以研究.

Daily scrum會議和scrum of scrums會議最後一個不同的地方是, 大部分的scrum of scrums會議不進行正規的iteration planning或是iteration reviews, 他們只會處理一些要被解決的issues或是problems. Scrum of scrums會議都參與者, 是由團隊所所指派出來了. 所以high-level的scrum of scrums團隊是一個暫時的團隊, 每次的iteration, 可能會一群新的與會者. 所以在scrum of scrums會議中進行的iteration planning, 不會像scrum團隊做的這麼formal.


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