Mini-Waterfall Smells - 你有多敏捷?
Mini-Waterfall Smells – How agile are you Really?
August 29, 2007
Posted by msumrell
許多公司或是團體號稱已經採用敏捷軟體開發, 因此之後可以每季交付一次產品, 而不是一年一次. 並且他們開始採用product backlog的方法, 而不是以前大堆頭的需求規格書. 此外使用TDD來開發的工程師也越來越多.
然而, 這真的是agile嗎? 還是其實只是都在做 mini-waterfall iteration呢? 作者這裡列出了十個smells, 如果你有這些現象, 代表你其實是在做 mini-waterfall iteration
1. Your development team has a code freeze several days before the end of the sprint so you can get your testing cycle done.
2. Your QA team is testing the previous sprint while the developers are working on the current one.
3. None of your tests are automated.
4. You can’t pull the next story off the backlog to work on because the requirements for it have not been through the sign-off process yet.
5. Your product backlog is not ranked by priority.
6. Your user stories do not have any business value assigned to them.
7. You are only tracking development tasks in your iteration and on your burndown.
8. Stories are considered “done” when development is done coding them.
9. You have a full sprint dedicated to bug fixing every few iterations.
10. Your QA team is a separate team that gets scheduled builds once or twice a week.