100 Interview Questions for Software Developers
作者在這篇文章中, 在十個方面(Requirements, Functional Design, Technical Design, Construction, Algorithms, Data Structures, Testing, Maintenance, Configuration Management, Project Management), 整理出了十個問題, 來詢問面試者的能力.
不管你問了什麼問題, 作者認為重點是要問有挑戰性的問題, 這樣你才能分辨出那些才是聰明的人才. 這點讓我反省了一下, 確實我問問題時太善良了, 這樣確實有時候會看走眼. 為了避免之後後悔, 還是一開始要仔細分辨清楚.
在測試方面, 他準備了以下問題
- Do you know what a regression test is? How do you verify that new changes have not broken existing features?
- How can you implement unit testing when there are dependencies between a business layer and a data layer?
- Which tools are essential to you for testing the quality of your code?
- What types of problems have you encountered most often in your products after deployment?
- Do you know what code coverage is? What types of code coverage are there?
- Do you know the difference between functional testing and exploratory testing? How would you test a web site?
- What is the difference between a test suite, a test case and a test plan? How would you organize testing?
- What kind of tests would you include for a smoke test of an ecommerce web site?
- What can you do reduce the chance that a customer finds things that he doesn't like during acceptance testing?
- Can you tell me something that you have learned about testing and quality assurance in the last year?
我個人認為台灣一般軟體工程師只會回答前三四個問題, 即使是測試人員也不見得能回答後面的問題, 因為大多測試人員只會執行, 但是對於測試的來龍去脈大都沒有花時間去了解, 這真的是很可惜. 國內工程師大多忙於完成專案, 但是沒有時間繼續修煉自己的能力, 所以對於專業領域大多數十年如一日. 唯一收獲的是做過了很多專案, 雖然累積了一些經驗, 但是做事手法不見得有所改進. 也就是可以做事, 會做事, 但是離做好還有一段距離.