Regression testing strategy  - test suite maintenance

I also found some articles that they suggests we can review our test cases frequently. Then the number or correctness of test cases can controlled. It's also useful for regression test because about 30% useless test cases can be removed.

Test Suite Maintenance
(1) After several release cycles, a regression test suite can become quite large.

(2) Some test cases can be discarded
a. Broken test cases
The test case fails without being run and must be removed or reworked when
   - The target the test cases want to verify are removed or changed or
   - The results of the test are compared using an interface or data structure that has changed
About 12% of the regression test cases contained errors of some kind

b. Obsolete test cases
For example, suppose the limits on x change from 1

c. Uncontrollable test cases
They may not be repeatable even with the initial test cycle

d. Redundant test cases
   - Two or more test cases are redundant if their input and output for a specific interface is identical
   - About 30% of the regression test cases were duplicates that could be removed without reducing test effectiveness

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    David Ko的學習之旅

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