如何找software performance tester

“…5 or 6 bullet points for a performance tester…”
by Mike Kelly

在網路上有人提出在interview performance tester時, 要問哪些問題來確認其專業知識是否過關.

基本上每個面向都涵蓋到了, 不過我也很懷疑真的會有人可以面面俱到嗎? 尤其在台灣, item1 滿足並且有意願就已經快要可以進來了

item 3是目前我覺得最缺乏的, 大多數的人多會問其他項目, 但是應該沒有知道機率和統計也同樣很重要. 在做performance test時, 只用一兩次的結果, 就要別人伏首認罪, 似乎也太武斷, 太缺乏說服力了. 可是我們的QA常常沒有意識到這件事, 因此和RD之間常常紛爭不斷

1. Can they test (analysis skills, techniques, planning, etc…)
   * intermediate
2. Can they model (UCML, UML, various diagrams, concept modeling, etc…)
   * intermediate to advanced based on salary
3. Do they know math (probability and statistics)
   * intermediate to advanced based on salary
4. Do they know hardware, networks, and application servers (servers, routers, switches, JVMs, configurations, etc…)
   * basic (they know where to find info and what questions to ask)
5. Do they know tools (HTTP Spy, Etherial, LoadRunner, Robot, RPT, OpenSTA, etc…)
   * basic to advanced depending on salary
6. Can they code (not tool-code, but code-code)
   * basic to advanced depending on salary


7. Can they describe their performance testing methodology?
A minimum requirement for someone of intermediate level is to be able to describe what activities they do from start to finish - requirements to reporting
by Charlie Weiblen

聽起來似乎不錯, 可是作者似乎不怎麼買單. 因為理由是作者會重新訓練, 要求新人依定要採用他的methodology, 呵..呵..還真有自信


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