Performance Testing的迷思: 放下去跑就可以了

每當有engineer要去做performance testing時, 有些upper managers總是會有個錯覺, 認為這個engineer 可以同時再接一些別的事情. 因為他們會說, "不是放下去run就好了嗎? 其他時間就可以來做別的事". 他的意思好像是說performance test 的工作就是丟下跑就是了.

一開始聽到這樣的說法時, 還無法很快說出哪裡有問題. 剛好最近在上performance testing時, 看到書裡面有描述在做performance testing的一些準備工作

Patterns of Performance and Operability,
Chapter 7 Test Preparation and Execution

1. Script Development: If you are using load testing software, you will need to develop scripts that implement the load scenarios contained in your test plan.

2. Validating the Test Environment: When the system is deployed into the test environment, you will need to validate that your performance scripts execute as expected.

3. Seeding the Test Bed: If you are using custom data loading scripts, these will need to be executed against the test environment.

4. Establishing Mixed Load: Mixed load is a combination of test cases that best characterize application usage. The mixed load should include test cases that generate load in proportion to the actual business usage.

5. Tuning the Load: When you begin to subject the application to load, you will need to make adjustments to parameters in the load testing software. This is achieved through trial and error.

我想看到這裡, 大家就可以很明白真的有很多工作要做, 每一項都會花你很多時間. 中間放下去跑的2~3hr 可能只是這些事情中的一小部份. (當然test duration是depend on你測試的系統及scenario而定)

而且在一開始跑的20~30 min內還要確認系統是否像你想像的運作正常, 所以可能也沒有那麼多時間可做別的事情. 再加上content switch也是要花時間的, 不是一下說換就能馬上進入狀況的
(當然你若是設定一些alert, 在程式有狀況時就通知你, 會有效率一點)

其實我並不是想要抱怨什麼, 但是有些認知上也不能差太多, 是需要提醒一下.雙方知道一下對方的作法及考量, 會讓事情進行的更順利. 因為要win-win, 而不是自己win.

當然我基本上是鼓勵正面思考, 唯有你正面思考考慮是否能有時間空出來, 你才會真正有機會空出時間來, 否則一味排斥, 自然就一定是沒有時間.

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