keeping testers in test
這個問題, 我想是大多數公司或是QA manager的夢靨. 一方面找不到好人才, 一方面人才也不易留住. 很容易地, QA不是離職就是換跑道到RD去. 讓我們來看看Microsoft資深的QA manager如何看待這個問題.
在某一場合, 作者被問到一個問題: 你如何保持在QA這條路上, 而不會想轉換到RD去呢?
他說他已經聽過很多次這樣的問題. 許多人把QA視為是RD的一個跳板, 一個先期訓練中心. 他說如果是這樣也不錯, 因為那將會有許多RD知道QA在做什麼, 會比較注重品質, 也會比較容易和QA溝通.
作者也認為並不是因為RD要寫code, 所以QA想過去. 其實QA自己也是需要寫code, 去做automation或是幫助測試更方面. 他認為QA會想離開是因為太多QA manager無法求新, 只考慮shipment和 schedule, 缺乏有求新求變的環境和心態.
而至於願意留下來的QA, 則是因為在team裡面, 他們有機會去做invent, investigate and discover, 使得他們有成就感.
所以如何讓你的QA願意留下來呢? 讓他們有機會去創新. 如果他們都只是focus 在test cases execution和ship schedule, 那大家都會想跑的
calkelpdiver said:
(1) lack of credibility & respect, lack of pay, lack of support, insane work schedules, finger pointing
(2) getting the opportunity to do new and innovate things in this line of work doesn't come often for the average tester in the average company (Microsoft, and other large shops may be different).
(3) Want to earn more money (RD's pay is higher)
swn1 said:
他提出一個可能的改善方法: rotation
Assign testers to development teams, assign developers to test rotations.
Developers became very conscious of the need for documentable designs, meaningful messages, and such. And customers were shocked to have the phone answered by someone who understood and could actually fix their problem. Good for everyone.
ru_altom said:
他認為rotation不太可行, 原因如下
(1) 你需要假設RD是一個好的QA, QA 也是一個好的RD
(2) RD 和QA的mindset不同, A tester will write code to break someone else's code, while a developer will aim to write unbreakable code.
Innovation is the best way to keep your testers (and developers as well) content and at their best. Give them a chance to invent, to find new ways, to try their ideas - and they won't leave, not for another department and not for another company.
keeping testers in test
這個問題, 我想是大多數公司或是QA manager的夢靨. 一方面找不到好人才, 一方面人才也不易留住. 很容易地, QA不是離職就是換跑道到RD去. 讓我們來看看Microsoft資深的QA manager如何看待這個問題.
在某一場合, 作者被問到一個問題: 你如何保持在QA這條路上, 而不會想轉換到RD去呢?
他說他已經聽過很多次這樣的問題. 許多人把QA視為是RD的一個跳板, 一個先期訓練中心. 他說如果是這樣也不錯, 因為那將會有許多RD知道QA在做什麼, 會比較注重品質, 也會比較容易和QA溝通.
作者也認為並不是因為RD要寫code, 所以QA想過去. 其實QA自己也是需要寫code, 去做automation或是幫助測試更方面. 他認為QA會想離開是因為太多QA manager無法求新, 只考慮shipment和 schedule, 缺乏有求新求變的環境和心態.
而至於願意留下來的QA, 則是因為在team裡面, 他們有機會去做invent, investigate and discover, 使得他們有成就感.
所以如何讓你的QA願意留下來呢? 讓他們有機會去創新. 如果他們都只是focus 在test cases execution和ship schedule, 那大家都會想跑的
calkelpdiver said:
(1) lack of credibility & respect, lack of pay, lack of support, insane work schedules, finger pointing
(2) getting the opportunity to do new and innovate things in this line of work doesn't come often for the average tester in the average company (Microsoft, and other large shops may be different).
(3) Want to earn more money (RD's pay is higher)
swn1 said:
他提出一個可能的改善方法: rotation
Assign testers to development teams, assign developers to test rotations.
Developers became very conscious of the need for documentable designs, meaningful messages, and such. And customers were shocked to have the phone answered by someone who understood and could actually fix their problem. Good for everyone.
ru_altom said:
他認為rotation不太可行, 原因如下
(1) 你需要假設RD是一個好的QA, QA 也是一個好的RD
(2) RD 和QA的mindset不同, A tester will write code to break someone else's code, while a developer will aim to write unbreakable code.
Innovation is the best way to keep your testers (and developers as well) content and at their best. Give them a chance to invent, to find new ways, to try their ideas - and they won't leave, not for another department and not for another company.