要注意重要的事, 而不是每件事

See Everthing That Matters

Thursday, August 28, 2008
Posted by Catherine Powell
Published in http://blog.abakas.com/

在測試時, 假如你要檢查所有事情, 那你會要看哪些東西呢?

System logs
OS logs
Files in and files out
Network traffic - to and from your box and broadcast traffic
User actions and reactions
Mouse movements

有沒有覺得很過癮啊? 我想你一定覺得一點都不好玩, 因為你根本不可注意到每件事情

當你發現有太多information, 你可能的選擇是都不去理會它. 這不是因為你偷懶, 這是人的本性. 有人有做過這樣的實驗
When asked to make a choice between 6 kinds of jam, consumers picked one.
When asked to make a choice between 24 kinds of jam, consumers simply walked away.

所以人們在這樣的狀況下, 會做的事情就是filtering
但是有效率的engineer和沒有效率的engineer差別就在這裡: 如何適當地的filiter掉一些information的能力. 也就是排除掉不重要的, 只看重要的部份

所以我們的目標不是去看所有的事情, 而是看重要的事情

當然講的很容易, 那要如何做到呢? 這裡有一些作者整理出來的rules
* Look through old issues. What were the clues that led to the real answer?

* Spend time with the system. Getting a sense of what the system does when its behaving normally will help you understand what is an anomaly and what's not. Look in a different area every time - logs one day, process table one day, GUI one day.

* Mix it up. Work in different areas of the product so you don't become overly familiar with any one area and start to miss things. You want to keep a sense of slight surprise about each area of the product.

* Explain what's going on. Pair with someone and walk them through what's happening to the system. Make sure you can explain the entire work flow, start to finish.

當然這些是要花時間去學習的. 如果你經常去練習, 你會發現你會越快, 越容易找到問題, 你也會更有信心. 所以請花時間去學習如何以有效filtering的方式, 去檢查你的受測系統
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