3 week iteration中的測試工作

Testing Tasks in a 3 week iteration

在網路上我找到, 別人如何對3 週的iteration, 安排testing的工作.

首先這是他規劃的測試工作: (這裡是6RD對1 QA)
    * 2 days in the daily scrums and administrative meetings.
    * 1 day in some form of review with developers on feature implementations, bugs, test approach, XP test pairs, etc.
    * 2 days creating, or updating the test cases (low priority, time permitting).
    * 5 days on feature testing the new/modified features and residual bug fixes.
    * 2 days of strategic long-term tasks ie performance tests, automating regressions, environment build-up/clean-up (the lowest priority until critical to the functional testing)
    * 3 days regression testing (not complete regression, only a partial, evolving regression subject to features changed)

    * 1-2 days on the combination of scrums and design/developer discussions
    * 3 days investigating field support issues and rumors of bugs
    * 1 day rebuilding/recovering the test environment for particular feature tests
    * 1 day on regression testing the final build(s)
    * 8 days or more on feature and bug testing

這裡是另一個iterative的pratice, 它是一家startup 公司的例子. (這裡是3RD對1QA) 基本上, 這家公司的feature 管理很混亂, 並沒有適當的document給QA, 或是和QA提醒一些implementation的改變.

    * 2 days (and ever increasing) investigations of field reported issues
    * 1 day regression testing the prior iteration after it completed
    * 11 days on feature and bug fix verification and exploratory/ad-hoc testing

看完他的規劃後, 我很好奇幾點:
1. 它如何有這麼長的測試時間? 我的意思是RD如何這麼快deliver東西出來, 我很好奇他們是如何做開發設計的
2. 還是說他所謂的測試, 不只包含test case 的execution, 可能還有一些inpsection, static analysis?
3. 或者是說他其實包含對前一 iteration的功能持續在做測試?
4. 或者是說RD 的unit testing 他也算進去?

不知各位看倌, 你們的經驗或是作法是什麼?
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