XP 和Scrum的比較

eXtreme Programming Versus Scrum

XP 和Scrum到底那一個比較好呢? 作者聽到很多人問這樣的問題. 作者認為這兩者是很難比較的, 因為他們是不同樣的東西, 因此無法比較起.

基本上來說, 他們是根據agile manifesto和agiel principles所發展出來的, 有些地方他們是有重複(如user story, iteration/sprint, accpetance test 等等), 但是他們是不同面向的東西. 以下是作者的分析

(1) XP is an agile engineering methodology.
(2) If your motivation for agile is simplification of requirements management and improved product quality, XP is for you.
(3) XP is the more likely starting point when the adoption of agile is driven by developers.

(1) Scrum is an agile management methodology.
    -  Scrum and XP are entirely complementary.
(2) If your motivation for agile is wanting more visibility, better business engagement, team collaboration, a clear process for prioritisation, etc - Scrum is for you.
    - If you use both(Scrum and XP), you will benefit from a more incremental, iterative approach to development.
(3) Scrum is the more likely starting point when the adoption of agile is driven by management.

所以根據作者的觀點來說, 他建議你應該兩者都採用. 但是你可以先用一個, 一個能幫你先解決目前你所遇到問題, 之後在adopt另外一個.


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