Daily Scrum Meeting的實施規則
Daily SCRUM meeting rules
Posted by Abrachan
Published in abrachan.com
(1) Daily scrum meeting必須固定時間(15 min)內開完, 和團隊成員有多少人無關
(2) 必須在相同地點相同時間朝開daily scrum meeting
(3) Daily Scrum meeting最好是每天上班要做的的第一件事情. 大家可以回想昨天作了什麼, 以及今天要做什麼.
(4) 所有的成員都需要參加
(5) 如果有人不能參加, 可以使用電話來參加會議, 或是委託其他人報告目前的狀況
(6) Scrum master必須要準時召開會議, 不管是否大家已經全部到齊
(7) 如果有成員遲到, 需要接受適當的懲罰(例如立即付50 元給Scrum master)
(8) Scrum master可以以順時針方向, 讓大家輪流發言
(9) 每個人報告時, 需要提及以下重點
- What have you done since the last daily scrum regarding this project?
- What will you do between now and the next daily scrum meeting regarding this project?
- What impedes you from performing your work as effectively as possible?
(10) 如果有成員談話的內容不在這三個方向, 而更進一步深入討論設計, 或是任何問題, 或是閒聊時, Scrum master有責任將話題停止
(11) 在meeting過程中, 每次只允許一個人發言. 其他人不能私自交談
(12) 如果某人在報告時, 其他人若是對此主題有興趣, 或是有關聯, 可以在會議結束後, 可以直接和此人或順便邀請相關成員去討論
(13) Chickens 不允許交談, 只允許觀察
(14) 如果太多chicken 參加會議, scrum master可以限制他們的出席, 以維持會議能有效率及秩序
(15) 不建議chiecken在會議完後, 和成員釐清某些會議內容, 或是提供一些建議, 或是下達一些命令
(16) Pigs or chickens who cannot or will not conform to the above rules can be excluded from the meeting (chickens) or removed from the team (pigs)
通常很多人不知道Pig和chicken代表什麼, 以下是從wiki上面節錄出來的
(1) "Pig" roles
The Pigs are the ones committed to the project in the Scrum process - they are the ones with "their bacon on the line."
- Product Owner
- ScrumMaster (or Facilitator)
- Team
The team has the responsibility to deliver the product. A team is typically made up of 5–9 people with cross-functional skills who do the actual work (designer, developer, tester, technical communicator, etc.).
(2) "Chicken" roles
Chicken roles are not part of the actual Scrum process, but must be taken into account. An important aspect of an Agile approach is the practice of involving users, internal business groups and stakeholders into portions of the process. It is important for these people to be engaged in the outcome of the project by providing feedback into the development, its review and planning for each sprint.
- Users
- Stakeholders (customers, vendors)
- Managers
People who will set up the environment for the product development organizations.