執行Stand-up Meeting的小秘訣
Daily Stand-Up Meetings
我想很多人都知道standup meeting是scrum的招牌practice, 知道每次meeting要回答三個問題, 可是更近一步的運作細節, 卻不是很了解. 因此導致會是有開, 但是效果不是很好.
作者這裡介紹一些執行的的小秘訣, 大家可以參考一下
1. Start as early as possible, on time without waiting for people – sets the agenda for the day.
2. Time-box the duration of the meeting to 15 minutes- use a time-out buzzer if needs be.
3. Stand-up - this encourages brevity(簡潔) amongst the participants and keeps them awake
4. Location – same place and time each day – publicised - preferably the team room.
5. Stand in a u-shape next to the task board to provide speaker context.
6. Flip a coin for asking status – heads go clockwise around the team, tails go anti-clockwise!
7. Only Team members and the Scrum Master are allowed to talk
8. Do not ask the ‘three questions’ – simply get into the routine of answering them.
9. Do not solve problems raised during the meeting – do them after the meeting
10. Note down impediments on the task board that the ScrumMaster will own and resolve
1. Team member to come fully prepared to answer the three common questions
2. Mobile phones etc should be turned off.
3. Once the meeting is over, team members visit the task board and update their remaining effort on the story cards.
4. The Scrum master collates and updated the sprint burn-down chart, and eventually the release burn-down chart.
(有人砲轟不該Srcum master要去做這件事, 我也是贊成. 不過很多team可能是project manager兼scrum master, 所以他才可能不自覺寫出是scrum master, 因為二者可能對作者而言是相同的)
5. The team members then discuss any items that arose during the meeting that require further clarification and resolution.
Daily Stand-Up Meetings
我想很多人都知道standup meeting是scrum的招牌practice, 知道每次meeting要回答三個問題, 可是更近一步的運作細節, 卻不是很了解. 因此導致會是有開, 但是效果不是很好.
作者這裡介紹一些執行的的小秘訣, 大家可以參考一下
1. Start as early as possible, on time without waiting for people – sets the agenda for the day.
2. Time-box the duration of the meeting to 15 minutes- use a time-out buzzer if needs be.
3. Stand-up - this encourages brevity(簡潔) amongst the participants and keeps them awake
4. Location – same place and time each day – publicised - preferably the team room.
5. Stand in a u-shape next to the task board to provide speaker context.
6. Flip a coin for asking status – heads go clockwise around the team, tails go anti-clockwise!
7. Only Team members and the Scrum Master are allowed to talk
8. Do not ask the ‘three questions’ – simply get into the routine of answering them.
9. Do not solve problems raised during the meeting – do them after the meeting
10. Note down impediments on the task board that the ScrumMaster will own and resolve
1. Team member to come fully prepared to answer the three common questions
2. Mobile phones etc should be turned off.
3. Once the meeting is over, team members visit the task board and update their remaining effort on the story cards.
4. The Scrum master collates and updated the sprint burn-down chart, and eventually the release burn-down chart.
(有人砲轟不該Srcum master要去做這件事, 我也是贊成. 不過很多team可能是project manager兼scrum master, 所以他才可能不自覺寫出是scrum master, 因為二者可能對作者而言是相同的)
5. The team members then discuss any items that arose during the meeting that require further clarification and resolution.