User Stories和Use cases的差別

Requirements 101: User Stories vs. Use Cases

很多人覺得user story和use case很像, 但是有些地方又感覺不太像. 這篇文章中幫我們說明了她們之間的差別.

1. User story
- some people call it a scenario
— expresses one very specific "need" that a user has.
- It’s usually written out as a couple of sentences.
- Most user stories are written in the language of the users

2. Use case
- similar to a user story
- it also describes an "interaction between the user and the software".

從這兩個定義中. 我個人覺得user story是強調"need", 而use case則是強調interaction between the user and the software. 是有點不同.


1. User stories are about needs
當你在撰寫一個user story, 你所描述的一個"raw"的使用者需求. 這是使用者在他每天所需要做的工作之一. 如果你沒有產生任何軟體來幫助他, 則他仍然需要它
2. Use cases are about the behavior you’ll build into the software to meet those needs.
開發人員需要去讀use case, 並且對於軟體需要做什麼有所了解. 它通常有很多細節, 並且描述所有開發人員需要撰寫的東西.

3. User stories are easy for users to read.
當你撰寫一個user story, 你所該專注的, 是要寫出讓任何人都可以了解的東西, 並且要用使用者的語言. User story只用了一兩句話,來解釋一個完整的想法.
4. User cases describe a complete interaction between the software and users (and possibly other systems).
當你在做use case analysis, 你所做的是在設計一個functional solution來達到user的need.

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    David Ko的學習之旅

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