目前又有一本有關Kanban的新書. 在Amazon上的rank還不錯, 大家都給了滿分. 頁數也不厚, 只有280頁. 大家可以參考一下.
Book: Kanban
Author: David J Anderson
Author blog: http://www.agilemanagement.net/
Amazon URL: http://www.amazon.com/Kanban-David-J-Anderson/dp/0984521402/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1274250845&sr=1-1
Table of Content:
Ch1 Solving an Agile Manager's Dilemma
Ch2 What is the Kanban Method?
Ch3 A Recipe for Success
Ch4 From worst to best in five quarters
Ch5 A continuous improvmenet culture
Ch6 Mapping the value stream
Ch7 Coordination with Kanban systems
Ch8 Establishing a delivery cadence
Ch9 Establishing an inut Cadence
Ch10 Setting work-in-progress limits
Ch11 Establishing service level agreements
Ch12 Metrics and management reporting
Ch13 Scaling Kanban with two-tiered systems
Ch14 Operations Review
Ch15 Starting a Kanban Change initiative
Ch16 Three types of improvement opportunity
Ch17 Bottlenecks and non-instant availability
Ch18 An economic model for Lean
Ch19 Sources of variability
Ch20 Issue Management and Escalation Policies