Part IV QA Paradigm

1. QA Paradigm #1: Quality Assurance is Testing
(1) Most QA people are actually employed as testers
(2) “Did you QA this?”
(3) “Independent testing is better testing”

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Part III Agile Activities and Reality Check
(這裡談到在agile activities的agile testing的關係, 在這些activities中testing 要如何運作和apply)

1. Test-First Programming
(1) Developers write unit tests before coding.
   - Motivates coding

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Agile Testing Introduction

我survey了Bret Pettichord幾篇介紹agile testing的簡報. 我想應該可以幫大家快速入門

Agile/Agile methodologies
Agile Testing
Agile Activities and Reality Check

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4. Functional Acceptance Testing
(1) Story-based (aka use-case based)
   - In the main books on XP, including Crispin's book on testing in XP, story-based tests are described as the primary vehicle for functional acceptance testing.

(2) Typical tests are fairly simple
   a. Happy path:

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The Role of Testers in XP, Cem Kaner,  August 13, 2003

這篇文章介紹tester在XP中扮演怎樣的角色, 心態上要做怎樣的修正
首先, 一開始提出了傳統testing 的觀念是什麼
接著, 再提到在XP 中的testing 是在強調什麼

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