什麼是Test Architect
最近有人問我, test architect在做些什麼? 因為公司想要為走tech track 的人, 訂定一些方向. 可惜在國內這樣的資料一直很少, 畢竟testing在國內是十分冷門的工作, 更不用談還有test architect這樣的職位.
在網路上google了一下, 還是以微軟員工提到的最多, 但是其他也是不少. 可見在國外她們還是蠻需要這樣角色的人
在這裡我列出了三篇介紹test architect的文章:
What is a Test Architect?
by SteveRowe
(1) 定義
A test architect is an advanced test developer whose scope is larger and who solves harder problems than the average SDE/T.
(2) 可能的工作內容
The specifics of what they do varies greatly.
They might be solving hard, particular problems.
They might be the one called in to solve the seemingly intractable issue.
They may be designing a new test platform.
Or, they may be determining group test policy.
Any and all of these fall in the scope of the test architect.
(3) test architect和 SDET差別
The work they do is often similar to that of an SDE/T. The difference is often one of scope. An SDE/T will often own a specific technology or be responsible for implementing a part of a system. A test architect will own the approach to testing or developing entire systems.
基本上我覺得他講的範圍比較狹隘, 偏向 automation, testing developer方面, 可能跟作者本身的工作有關
What is a test architect?
by alanpa
(1) 定義
Short Answer:
Test architect as a senior test role with wide strategic scope.
Long Answer
Test architects focus on a diverse set of goals and perform a wide variety of tasks.
(2) 可能的工作內容
- Some spend time developing testing infrastructure, test authoring frameworks, or evaluating features in order to create complex tests.
- Some are in charge of a particular technology for their group.
- Others spend time consulting on how to improve test effectiveness.
The common thread across all test architect roles and the primary responsibility of a test architect is to provide technical leadership and strategic direction for their testing organization.
It is also expected that in addition to accountability to the current product, that senior test architects will consistently look beyond the current release and may have several deliverables not tied to a particular product release.
這裡提到的test architect就比較全面性一點, 不是指偏向test automation方面, 只要對於某一領域有專精都可以. 此外他除了某個領域的技術外, 她還提到也要對自己本身的產品性也有一定深度的了解
Test Architect
by John M
最後這篇, 個人是認為最為完整. 並且也不完全限制在技術方面, 已經向更高階的方面發展. 高階經理人在做些什麼, 他會相對列出
test architect在這樣的層次也要做到什麼, 是值得細細品嚐的文章. 由於他所列的項目實在太多, 太廣泛, 在此我不一一列出, 有興趣的人可以直接參考原文
(1) 定義
The Test Architect (TA) role is a senior position in the organization and is treated on par with equivalent Management positions in terms of rewards, recognition, visibility and influence.
(2) 可能的工作內容
- provides Technical Leadership and Strategic Direction to the Testing Organization (TO)
- is responsible for Test Strategy formulation
- helps Formulate & Develop effective Test Architecture per organizational needs
- is Technically responsible for all the Testing performed by the TO
- is the foremost Technical Authority and is responsible for the overall Quality of deliverables across all parameters, both functional and non-functional including performance, security, usability, etc.
- is expected to pro-actively analyze current processes and practices and suggest/ drive improvements. Also, defines processes as needed
- has wide-reaching scope, impact and influence extending beyond the confines of the TO and spans across the entire product organization
- is the counter part to the development architect
- is involved in driving organization-wide Quality Process initiatives and their implementation to ensure Quality of deliverables
- maintains a “big and complete” picture view of the product, its dependencies, organizational goals, technology arena, etc. and helps guide & direct the functioning of the TO appropriately