
Browser compatibility testing

1. 什麼是網站的瀏覽器相容性測試?
- The goal of browser compatibility testing is to ensure that the site renders without error on the target web browsers.
- Some minor rendering differences are expected from browser to browser, or within different versions of the same browser.

2. 瀏覽器內rendering engine 的特性
- These types of rendering differences will occur typically across major versions of browsers.
- The same rendering engine is typically used on all platforms for multi-platform browsers, the same version of the same browser will typically render the same result on all platforms that it supports.
- This reduces the need for testing the same version of a browser on multiple platforms, however simple sanity checking of browsers cross platform is recommended if the configuration is already available.

3. 各家瀏覽器市佔率的狀況
Source: http://marketshare.hitslink.com/

4. 如何決定哪些瀏覽器需要測試
- It is used by a significant portion of a sites users, and is in common, widespread usage.
- It is the default browser on the latest version of Windows or Mac OS X.
- It is a newly released browser which is expected to quickly gain a significant portion of browser market share, e.g. IE 8 or Google Chrome

5. 根據以上的市佔率和要測試的規則, 作者認為以下是入圍的瀏覽器
Browser                            Reason for inclusion in test matrix
Internet Explorer 7.x         Most common browser in use today.
Internet Explorer 6.x         Second most common browser in use today.
Firefox 3.0                         Latest version of Firefox, and has > 10% market share.
Safari 3.x                         Default browser on Mac OS X.
Internet Explorer 8.x         Latest version of Internet Explorer that is expected to be the most common browser in the future.
Google Chrome                 Expected to be a common browser in the future.

6. 哪些Bug我可能會發現?
- To decide what we need to test we need to understand what is likely to break.
- The current batch of web browsers have a set of commonly known bugs and differences.
- If you understand these differences, you can go a long way to understanding why pages render differently in different browsers.
- Internet explorer has a large number of CSD layout issues and rendering bugs.
- reference information: http://www.positioniseverything.net/explorer.html


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