My 2009 advice for programmers (on making - or keeping - testers happy)
As a programmer I don't like to see bugs (and I don't like the QA ranting about the qaulity of my work either).
Could you post your "2009 advice to programmers" on how to make testers happy
作者首先對於ranting這個字有點concern, 認為提問者可能和QA之間的溝通出了一點問題, 也可能是把bug report看得太嚴重了. 作者認為bug report只是呈, 現有關於proudct quality的資訊, 但是這並不是RD quality的資訊. 它只是要幫助product quality要更好.
個人我認為有bug並不是完全和RD有關, 有時候錯誤的requirement, tight schedule, 和溝通上的落差, 都會造成有bug出現. 只是每個bug要會要有負責處理的owner, 但並不是代表這owner就是始作庸者, 或是代表他的quality , performance不好.
作者接下列出了一些注意事項, 讓RD可以注意, 以幫助RD和QA cowork的更順暢
1. 不要對QA大呼小叫的
- They’re not bottom feeders lucky to have a job, and they’re not developers who couldn’t cut it.
- Most of us have chosen to be testers because we’re good at it and it gives us an opportunity to have a huge impact on software quality.
- The better we work together, the better job you’re going to do in the end.
- Software development is a joint effort between programmers and testers – if you want to be successful, you need a good relationship with your testers.
2. 要撰寫Unit Tests
- Don’t make it easy for me to find bugs.
- Testers aren’t asking you to find every single bug, but at least test enough of your own code that testers won’t find bugs in basic functionality.
- The harder it is for testers to find bugs in your code, the more they will respect you.
- When testers begin finding complex bugs that you never thought could exist, you will respect them more too.
3. 多思考Testability
- Testable software is well designed software.
- Consider the SOCK model (Simple, Observable, Control, and Knowledge).
- Think about testing during design and implementation – ask yourself “’how will we know this works?”
4. 不要怕會衝突
- Conflict is fine (and expected), but everyone needs to feel that their voice is heard.
- When you disagree, explain why you disagree, and don’t expect to resolve every conflict.
5. 要多溝通
- Spend time talking about challenges of your roles.
- Understanding the other side helps you both do your job better.
6. 不要認為Bug Report是針對個人而來的
- Note to testers: bug reports are NOT your avenue for belittling developers
- Bug reports are a necessary side effect of the testers job.
- Bugs are just bits of information that you need to act on.
7. 不要因為QA找到你程式中的Bug就覺得他們很討厭
- You should be surprised, or maybe even embarrassed depending on the details of the issue.
8. 不要覺得不好意思去提供一些測試的建議
- E.g. "It's going to be important to test how the string fields are translated between component x and component y", or "I’m worried that the component we’re leveraging from team z will cause compat problems, can you spend some time investigating?"
當然啦, 我個人認為QA某些事情上, 也是有努力的空間. 下次來找找, 是否有RD對QA的建言.
My 2009 advice for programmers (on making - or keeping - testers happy)
As a programmer I don't like to see bugs (and I don't like the QA ranting about the qaulity of my work either).
Could you post your "2009 advice to programmers" on how to make testers happy
作者首先對於ranting這個字有點concern, 認為提問者可能和QA之間的溝通出了一點問題, 也可能是把bug report看得太嚴重了. 作者認為bug report只是呈, 現有關於proudct quality的資訊, 但是這並不是RD quality的資訊. 它只是要幫助product quality要更好.
個人我認為有bug並不是完全和RD有關, 有時候錯誤的requirement, tight schedule, 和溝通上的落差, 都會造成有bug出現. 只是每個bug要會要有負責處理的owner, 但並不是代表這owner就是始作庸者, 或是代表他的quality , performance不好.
作者接下列出了一些注意事項, 讓RD可以注意, 以幫助RD和QA cowork的更順暢
1. 不要對QA大呼小叫的
- They’re not bottom feeders lucky to have a job, and they’re not developers who couldn’t cut it.
- Most of us have chosen to be testers because we’re good at it and it gives us an opportunity to have a huge impact on software quality.
- The better we work together, the better job you’re going to do in the end.
- Software development is a joint effort between programmers and testers – if you want to be successful, you need a good relationship with your testers.
2. 要撰寫Unit Tests
- Don’t make it easy for me to find bugs.
- Testers aren’t asking you to find every single bug, but at least test enough of your own code that testers won’t find bugs in basic functionality.
- The harder it is for testers to find bugs in your code, the more they will respect you.
- When testers begin finding complex bugs that you never thought could exist, you will respect them more too.
3. 多思考Testability
- Testable software is well designed software.
- Consider the SOCK model (Simple, Observable, Control, and Knowledge).
- Think about testing during design and implementation – ask yourself “’how will we know this works?”
4. 不要怕會衝突
- Conflict is fine (and expected), but everyone needs to feel that their voice is heard.
- When you disagree, explain why you disagree, and don’t expect to resolve every conflict.
5. 要多溝通
- Spend time talking about challenges of your roles.
- Understanding the other side helps you both do your job better.
6. 不要認為Bug Report是針對個人而來的
- Note to testers: bug reports are NOT your avenue for belittling developers
- Bug reports are a necessary side effect of the testers job.
- Bugs are just bits of information that you need to act on.
7. 不要因為QA找到你程式中的Bug就覺得他們很討厭
- You should be surprised, or maybe even embarrassed depending on the details of the issue.
8. 不要覺得不好意思去提供一些測試的建議
- E.g. "It's going to be important to test how the string fields are translated between component x and component y", or "I’m worried that the component we’re leveraging from team z will cause compat problems, can you spend some time investigating?"
當然啦, 我個人認為QA某些事情上, 也是有努力的空間. 下次來找找, 是否有RD對QA的建言.