如何進行Sprint 的Demo

How we do sprint demos
from "Scrum and XP from the Trenches - how we do Scrum"

最近要作sprint的demo, 這可是大姑娘上花轎, 頭一遭. 還不知道要怎樣做會比較好. 因此survey了一下, 看看是否有人提說哪些東西要注意的.

在"Scrum and XP from the Trenches - how we do Scrum"一書中, 有提到相關要注意的事情.

首先他談到為什麼要做sprint 的demo,會帶來怎樣的好處:
1. The team gets credit for their accomplishment. They feel good.

2. Other people learn what your team is doing.

3. The demo attracts vital feedback from stakeholders.

4. Demos are (or should be) a social event where different teams can interact with each
other and discuss their work. This is valuable.

5. Doing a demo forces the team to actually finish stuff and release it (even if it is only to
a test environment).
- Without demos, we kept getting huge piles of 99% finished stuff.

- With demos we may get fewer items done, but those items are really done, which is
(in our case) a lot better than having a whole pile of stuff that is just sort of done and
will pollute the next sprint.

1. Make sure you clearly present the sprint goal.
- If there are people at the demo who don’t know anything about your product, take a few minutes to describe the product.

2. Don’t spend too much time preparing the demo, especially not on flashy presentations.

- Cut the crap out and just focus on demonstrating actual working code.

3. Keep a high pace, i.e. focus your preparations on making the demo fast-paced rather than beautiful.

4. Keep the demo on a business-oriented level, leave out the technical details.

- Focus on “what did we do” rather than “how did we do it”.

5. If possible, let the audience try the product for themselves.

6. Don’t demonstrate a bunch of minor bug fixes and trivial features.

- Mention them but don’t demo them, since that generally takes too long and detracts focus from the more important stories

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