Quick Poll: A Litmus Test for Agile Development
作者想要知道一個team, adopt agile的程度如何, 到底做的好不好. 因此他整理了一些簡單的Yes/No question, 希望能很快得知到底狀況如何. 他也希望大家能幫他看看是否有遺漏哪些部份. 現在就讓我們來看看
1. Source Code: Do you use source control?
2. Build: Can you build in a single step?
3. Daily Build: Do you make daily builds?
4. Bug DB: Do you have a bug database?
5. Fixing: Do you fix bugs before writing new code?
6. Sched: Do you have an up-to-date schedule?
7. Spec: Do you have a spec?
8. Quiet: Do programmers have quiet working conditions?
9. Tools: Do you use the best tools money can buy?
10. Testers: Do you have testers?
11. Intervew: Do new candidates write code during their interview?
12. Hallway: Do you do hallway usability testing?
13. Wiki: Do you use a Wiki?
14. Continuous: Do you do continuous build / test / deploy?
15. TDDev: Do your tests drive your development?
16. Pair: Do your developers pair and support each other?
17. Talk: Does everyone talk to each other, constantly?
18. Hiring: Does the team select its new members?
19. Colocated: Is the team colocated?
20. Testing: Can you test in a single step?
21. Releases: Have you delivered running, tested, usable functionality to users at least twice in the last six months?
22. Deploy: Can you deploy in a single step?
23. Integration: Do you integrate the system at least twice per week`
24. News: Can you give your boss bad news?
25. Access: Does it take less than three days from when you have a question to when an expert answers it?
26. Improvement: Did you get together within the last three months to discuss and improve your group’s working habits?
27. Retrospective: Does you team conduct a retrospective after every iteration?
28. User Stories: Do you define the product in terms of user stories?
29. Acceptence: Do you define acceptence tests before you write code?
如果我有找到作者最後用這些問題的survey結果, 再和大家分享.
Quick Poll: A Litmus Test for Agile Development
作者想要知道一個team, adopt agile的程度如何, 到底做的好不好. 因此他整理了一些簡單的Yes/No question, 希望能很快得知到底狀況如何. 他也希望大家能幫他看看是否有遺漏哪些部份. 現在就讓我們來看看
1. Source Code: Do you use source control?
2. Build: Can you build in a single step?
3. Daily Build: Do you make daily builds?
4. Bug DB: Do you have a bug database?
5. Fixing: Do you fix bugs before writing new code?
6. Sched: Do you have an up-to-date schedule?
7. Spec: Do you have a spec?
8. Quiet: Do programmers have quiet working conditions?
9. Tools: Do you use the best tools money can buy?
10. Testers: Do you have testers?
11. Intervew: Do new candidates write code during their interview?
12. Hallway: Do you do hallway usability testing?
13. Wiki: Do you use a Wiki?
14. Continuous: Do you do continuous build / test / deploy?
15. TDDev: Do your tests drive your development?
16. Pair: Do your developers pair and support each other?
17. Talk: Does everyone talk to each other, constantly?
18. Hiring: Does the team select its new members?
19. Colocated: Is the team colocated?
20. Testing: Can you test in a single step?
21. Releases: Have you delivered running, tested, usable functionality to users at least twice in the last six months?
22. Deploy: Can you deploy in a single step?
23. Integration: Do you integrate the system at least twice per week`
24. News: Can you give your boss bad news?
25. Access: Does it take less than three days from when you have a question to when an expert answers it?
26. Improvement: Did you get together within the last three months to discuss and improve your group’s working habits?
27. Retrospective: Does you team conduct a retrospective after every iteration?
28. User Stories: Do you define the product in terms of user stories?
29. Acceptence: Do you define acceptence tests before you write code?
如果我有找到作者最後用這些問題的survey結果, 再和大家分享.