在開始Run Scrum時, 要注意的事情

Scrum Hell!

May, 2008
Posted by Kelly Water
Published in All About Agile

如果你剛開始成立一個team, 並且大多數的人沒有做過Scrum, 或是沒有接受過Scrum的training. 這時候, 你要team開始使用Scrum來開發, 你將會遇到很多問題, 並且會有大的挫折.

作者看過很多這樣的狀況, 並且每個team所遭遇的問題還不盡相同.

- Much time is spent discussing the process and how things should be done as actually doing it
- The product backlog is confusing and disorganised
- Requirements are not clear.
- User Stories are not adequately prepared.
- Sprint Planning takes *days* instead of hours.
- No too many developers love sitting in meetings!

以下作者提供了一些小秘訣, 來幫助大家度過這樣的難關
1. 首先最重要的, 把你的backlog排出重要順序
- Here I say you should proceed no further until this step is completed, otherwise you'll regret it.
- Accept the fact it will take your team at least 3 or 4 Sprints to get into any sort of rhythm.
- Refine how you handle the process in each Sprint.

2. 要堅持遵守Scrum的流程
(1) Until you understand a process well, and have some experiencing executing it as intended, you are in no position to adapt it.

(2) According to research, a newly-formed team goes through some specific stages of team formation and only after some time does the team really begin to gel.

(3) These stages are: forming, storming, norming, and performing.

    a. Forming Stage
        - During the forming stage, "supervisors need to be directive".
        - This is in direct conflict with a key principle of Scrum, which is 'self-organisation'
        - Until the team has properly formed, and the process has been established, the team is not in a position to do this.

    b. Storming Stage
        - Team members become more assertive and confront their colleagues with their views.
        - This stage can be contentious, unpleasant and even painful to members of the team who are averse to conflict.
        - Going through this stage whilst still learning how to execute Scrum effectively is what I would refer to as 'Scrum Hell'.
        - It's difficult. But it's not possible to skip this stage. Human nature demands it.

    c. Norming Stage
        - Team members start to adjust their behaviour as they learn to work together as a team.

    d. Performing Stage
        - Some, but not all, teams will reach the performing stage.

    創作者 kojenchieh 的頭像

    David Ko的學習之旅

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