
The Power of a Whiteboard

Posted by Kelly Water
Published in All About Agile

Agile的開發團隊通常使用一些low-tech, 手動的方式來追蹤他們的工作.  像是用便利貼來記載工作項目, 用手繪的burndown chart, 或是用手繪的architecture等等

你或許會很好奇, 像這樣高科技的產業, 應該有一堆現成的project management tools, 或是一些為特定目的所建造的工具可以使用, 會何會用這樣low-tech的方式呢?

作者認為白版提供很多好處, 是這些軟體工具所比不上的.

1. 白板讓大家都看得見
- When you see something in print, somehow it seems more real. I guess because it's physical.
- A large number of post-it notes on a whiteboard looks like a lot of work.
- You can show some information like: Sprint Status, Burndown Chart

2. 白板有著無限的彈性
- You can put literally anything you like on it.
- Unlike an electronic system, there are never any constraints.

3. 白板可以快速, 有效的被修改
- You could completely reoarganise a set of cards in just a few moments.
- Or sketch something important in seconds.

4. 讓你覺得有形的
- For people that like tactile, it feels good to move a card to done.
- You feel a sense of ownership when you pick up a card.

5. 它也讓你感到很新穎, 新奇的
- When a team starts doing agile - and they create great visibility using the whiteboard - it's remarkable how many people want to come and look.
- The whiteboard is interesting. It's interesting to look at. And interesting to talk about. When someone walks you through it, it's actually enjoyable.

6. 白板提供一個可以一起合作, 一起討論的地方
- It's a focal point.
- Like a campfire in days gone by. Or a fireplace in your lounge.
- Most team discussions happen round the whiteboard. Discussions about progress. Discussions about issues. Discussions about design.

7. 在白板上, 不同團隊會呈現出不同的文化
- The team can express itself through the things it puts on its whiteboard.
- It starts to show the character of the team, and therefore helps to create a visible sense of team spirit.

作者也提到他並不是反對使用工具, 只是他認為工具是用來輔助白板, 而不是取代它. 有些事情是白版無法做的, 像是keeping track of longer lasting information, doing calculations, searching等等.  


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