Disadvantages of Agile Software Development
Posted by Kelly Water
Published in All About Agile
作者說不要懷疑他, 他是道道地地Agile的fan.
雖然Agile有很多好處, 但是他也是一定有不少缺點
所以當你在採用Agile時, 你一定要知道他當初要解決的問題是什麼, 或是為了達到什麼目的. 這樣你才可檢查這樣的東西是否適合你, 你也才知道一些trade-off.
這裡是作者列出一些, 在agile中不錯的practices, 但是它卻帶來一些問題:
1. 在開發過程要求顧客積極加入及緊密合作
- However these principles are very demanding on the user representative's time and require a big commitment for the duration of the project.
2. 在開發過程, 需求會逐漸浮現及演進
- There are two big flip sides to this principle though.
* One is the potential for scope creep, which we all know can create the risk of ever-lasting projects.
* The other is that there is much less predictability, at the start of the project and during, about what the project is actually going to deliver.
- This can make it harder to define a business case for the project, and harder to negotiate fixed price projects.
- Without the maturity of a strong and clear vision, and the discipline of fixing timescales and trading scope, this is potentially very dangerous.
3. 簡潔的需求就已經足夠了
- However this can mean less information available to new starters in the team about features and how they should work.
- It can also create potential misunderstandings if the teamwork and communication aren't at their best, and difficulties for team members (especially testers) that are used to everything being defined up front.
- The belief in agile is that it's quicker to refactor the product along the way than to try to define everything completely up front, which arguably is impossible.
- And this risk is managed closely through the incremental approach to development and frequent delivery of product.
4. 測試是被整合到整個開發過程
- However it does imply that testers are needed throughout the project and this effectively increases the cost of resources on the project.
- This does have the effect of reducing some very significant risks, that have proven through research to cause many projects to fail.
- The cost of a long and unnpredictable test phase can, in my experience of waterfall, cause huge unexpected costs when a project over-runs.
- However there is an additional cost to the project to adopt continuous testing throughout.
5. 經常交付產品給客戶
- The users or product owner needs to be ready and available for prompt testing of the features as they are delivered and throughout the entire duration of the project.
- This can be quite time-consuming but helps drastically to ensure a quality product that meets user expectations.
6. 綿密的iterations/sprints
- Finally, common feedback is that agile development is rather intense for developers.
- The need to really complete each feature 100% within each iteration, and the relentlessness of iterations, can be mentally quite tiring so it's important to find a sustainable pace for the team.
不知各位看倌, 你覺得這些是否也是你的問題?
Disadvantages of Agile Software Development
Posted by Kelly Water
Published in All About Agile
作者說不要懷疑他, 他是道道地地Agile的fan.
雖然Agile有很多好處, 但是他也是一定有不少缺點
所以當你在採用Agile時, 你一定要知道他當初要解決的問題是什麼, 或是為了達到什麼目的. 這樣你才可檢查這樣的東西是否適合你, 你也才知道一些trade-off.
這裡是作者列出一些, 在agile中不錯的practices, 但是它卻帶來一些問題:
1. 在開發過程要求顧客積極加入及緊密合作
- However these principles are very demanding on the user representative's time and require a big commitment for the duration of the project.
2. 在開發過程, 需求會逐漸浮現及演進
- There are two big flip sides to this principle though.
* One is the potential for scope creep, which we all know can create the risk of ever-lasting projects.
* The other is that there is much less predictability, at the start of the project and during, about what the project is actually going to deliver.
- This can make it harder to define a business case for the project, and harder to negotiate fixed price projects.
- Without the maturity of a strong and clear vision, and the discipline of fixing timescales and trading scope, this is potentially very dangerous.
3. 簡潔的需求就已經足夠了
- However this can mean less information available to new starters in the team about features and how they should work.
- It can also create potential misunderstandings if the teamwork and communication aren't at their best, and difficulties for team members (especially testers) that are used to everything being defined up front.
- The belief in agile is that it's quicker to refactor the product along the way than to try to define everything completely up front, which arguably is impossible.
- And this risk is managed closely through the incremental approach to development and frequent delivery of product.
4. 測試是被整合到整個開發過程
- However it does imply that testers are needed throughout the project and this effectively increases the cost of resources on the project.
- This does have the effect of reducing some very significant risks, that have proven through research to cause many projects to fail.
- The cost of a long and unnpredictable test phase can, in my experience of waterfall, cause huge unexpected costs when a project over-runs.
- However there is an additional cost to the project to adopt continuous testing throughout.
5. 經常交付產品給客戶
- The users or product owner needs to be ready and available for prompt testing of the features as they are delivered and throughout the entire duration of the project.
- This can be quite time-consuming but helps drastically to ensure a quality product that meets user expectations.
6. 綿密的iterations/sprints
- Finally, common feedback is that agile development is rather intense for developers.
- The need to really complete each feature 100% within each iteration, and the relentlessness of iterations, can be mentally quite tiring so it's important to find a sustainable pace for the team.
不知各位看倌, 你覺得這些是否也是你的問題?