十件你所不知道有關Agile Development的事
March 2009
Posted by Jeffery Oayne
Published in Better Software
1. 敏捷才是目標
- The debate about what development practices practices are or are not agile is moot
- Customers do not care what we use, they just want a reutrn on their software investment
- Focus on becoming more agile instead of becoming "Agile"
2. Team所在位置不是最重要的
- Team rooms are definitely helpfule for increasing agility but are not a showstopper
- Distributed teams that focus on consisted, clear communication can use agile development practices to achieve value.
3. Team對 Schedule是需要負責任的
- Implementing agile does not mean team is off the hook for on-time delivery
- Agile increases the visibility of day-today activities and drives teams toward higher productivity and accountability if implmeneted properly
4. Business Sponsor不需要有很大的loading
- Integrating customer into day-to-day project activities does not mean the process has to overburden your business sponsors
- They are called in only when really needed
5. Unit testing是無法妥協的
- If you are going unit testing, you are not doing agile development
- Unit testing是其他practice重要的基礎: continuous integration, refactoring.
6. Agile Software也是可以非常secure的
- agile development可以和 secure development practice, security assurance, security testing activirities整合的很好
7. Agile是非常嚴謹的
- 不要認為因為它是light way的process就認為它不嚴謹
- When done correctly, agile is a consistent, repeatable process with strong measurement of progress, risk and productivity
8. Guru並不保證一定會有答案
- Software succeeds or fails in the trenches where it is built
- Many agile coaches havenot written a commercial software application in a decade.
- Trust and learn from those who do agile, not just talk about it.
9. Architecture 和Design仍然是需要的
- You cannot refactor your way into an initial architecture.
- Time must be spent during initial planning and iterations to get your architecture solid.
10. 撰寫文件是OK的
- 有些機構是需要遵守某些標準
- 因此沒有理由agile team不需要去配合去寫文件, 只要內容適當即可