Burndown Chart的好處和用途
Questions About Burndown Chart
February 21, 2009
Posted by Jimmy Zhao
Published in Dig Knowledge Everyday
作者提到很多同事經常會問到, 要如何使用burn down chart, 這裡作者列出一些他自己的經驗談:
Burndown Chart可呈現的資訊
(1) Sprint 的進度
(2) 開發大致的趨勢
(3) 如果你的 burndown chart 很順利的往下降
a. If join point is the near your estimation,
==> It means your project is in good state
b. If join point largely ahead your estimation,
==> Maybe your developers have really good performance, or maybe your scope cut
c. If the join point is after your estimation,
==> It means you have problem now, check your estimation with developer for further reason
(4) 如果你的 burndown chart 突然間上升
==> It means your scope changed, new task added
(5) 如果你的 burndown chart一直呈現水平
==> Maybe your developer forgot to update their status, or it means task delayed
(6) 結論:
a. 一切狀況(ststus)真實呈現
b. Any unexpected up or down will tell us the issue or exception happened, you must update your plan.
如何應用 Burn down chart
(1) During sprint retrospective, we can sit together and let each of the members tell us what happened during the sprint.
(2) We can easily summarize the lessons or issues or risks or wrong estimations or technical issues, wow, everything.
(3) Scrum master can use to adjust the plan, better manage the release and sprint.
(4) The developer can adjust their estimation, think about how they solve the issues they met.
作者還提到agile team最難的事是velocity, 若是這個information不清楚, 在管理階層上, 有很多事情會很不確定, 這裡burn down chart便可以提供很大的幫忙