Kanban checklists
04, Feb, 2009
Posted by Mattias Skarin
Publishd in Mattias Skarin's blog
有些人在想說Kanban的內容事否要及時update, 在我認為那是必要的事情, 因為Kanban可以提供作的事情非常多.
為了讓我們不會在錯誤的情報下做出錯誤的決定, 因此我們是有必要確保Kanban的及時性.
1. 在任何時候
- Do we have a bottleneck? (尋找有工作落後或是未完成)
- Do we have an impediment not dealt with?
- Are we keeping our work in progress limit (WiP)?
- Are priorities clear?
2. 在sprint規劃的會議中
A. 期待的產出或結果:
- Prognosed delivery date given to PO if needed.
(Use size/velocity or tasks * cycle time)
- Stories is broken down and estimated
B. 時程
- Update charts (velocity and cycle time)
- Remove done stories/tasks off kanban board
- Lookback last week [max 5 min]
(What happened? Are we satisfied? Should we adjust WiP limit?)
- Team picks one thing to improve on for upcoming week [max 2 min]
- Write this down on top of Kanbanboard
- PO reads new stories to team
- Team breaks down and estimates stories [30 min]
- PO revises priorities and makes them visible
C. 檢查的清單
- Can all team members do the broken down tasks?
- Is WiP limit visible on board?
- Can we see if we exceed WiP limit at any time?
3. Daily stand-up
A. 期待的產出或結果
- Impediments are surfaced so we deal with them
- Team members can share experience of problems earlier encountered
- NEVER takes more than 5 min (takes some training but is doable)
B. 時程
- What did I do yesterday
- What will I do today
- Do I have an impediment?
- As a team, do we need to act?
C. Rule:
- "60sek rule", you have 60s to offer advice to other team members if you can help them
- All other matter : face2face after daily standup