TDD應用狀況的調查 (下)
Test Driven Development (TDD) Survey: October 2008
Posted by Scott W. Ambler
Published in Ambysoft
16. When it comes to adopting TDD within your organization, how are the potential challenges affecting you?
Large Some No Don't Response
Impact Impact Impact Know Count
Lack of skills 43.9%(43) 44.9%(44) 11.2%(11) 0.0%(0) 98
Lack of
education 36.7%(36) 44.9%(44) 18.4%(18) 0.0%(0) 98
Lack of
regression test
suite(s) for
systems 48.0%(47) 33.7%(33) 18.4%(18) 0.0%(0) 98
culture 38.8%(38) 30.6%(30) 27.6%(27) 3.1%(3) 98
17. What is your opinion about ease of learning Acceptance TDD?
Response Response
Percent Count
Very Difficult 5.3% 5
Difficult 34.0% 32
Neutral 30.9% 29
Easy 10.6% 10
Very Easy 3.2% 3
No Opinion 16.0% 15
18. What is your opinion about ease of learning Developer TDD?
Response Response
Percent Count
Very Difficult 11.7% 11
Difficult 35.1% 33
Neutral 27.7% 26
Easy 24.5% 23
Very Easy 1.1% 1
No Opinion 0.0% 0
19. Based on your experience, how effective are the following strategies for learning Acceptance TDD?
Very Effective = 5, Effective = 4, Neutral = 3, Ineffective = 2, Very Ineffective = 1, No Opinion = 0
5 4 3 2 1 0 Count
Pair with TDD
person 50.0% 14.9% 2.1% 2.1% 0.0% 30.9% 94
Pair with
another TDD
learner 9.6% 26.6% 20.2% 12.8% 1.1% 29.8% 94
Training in TDD 7.4% 43.6% 16.0% 1.1% 0.0% 31.9% 94
Reading a TDD
book 3.2% 40.4% 23.4% 6.4% 0.0% 26.6% 94
Reading articles
about TDD 2.1% 34.0% 27.7% 7.4% 0.0% 28.7% 94
Discussing TDD
on online
forums 1.1% 28.7% 28.7% 6.4% 0.0% 35.1% 94
Teaching it to
yourself 7.4% 29.8% 28.7% 7.4% 0.0% 26.6% 94
Mentoring by
someone with TDD
experiencw 36.2% 28.7% 3.2% 0.0% 0.0% 31.9% 94
20. Based on your experience, how effective are the following strategies for learning Developer TDD?
Very Effective = 5, Effective = 4, Neutral = 3, Ineffective = 2, Very Ineffective = 1, No Opinion = 0
5 4 3 2 1 0 Count
Pair with TDD
person 73.4% 12.8% 2.1% 2.1% 0.0% 9.6% 94
Pair with
another TDD
learner 10.6% 44.7% 19.1% 11.7% 1.1% 12.8% 94
Training in TDD 10.6% 55.3% 19.1% 0.0% 0.0% 14.9% 94
Reading a TDD
book 6.4% 59.6% 25.5% 7.4% 0.0% 1.1% 94
Reading articles
about TDD 4.3% 53.2% 31.9% 8.5% 0.0% 2.1% 94
Discussing TDD
on online
forums 4.3% 44.7% 31.9% 8.5% 0.0% 10.6% 94
Teaching it to
yourself 11.7% 46.8% 28.7% 9.6% 0.0% 3.2% 94
Mentoring by
someone with TDD
experience 54.3% 27.7% 5.3% 0.0% 0.0% 12.8% 94
21. Size of the project team?
Response Response
Percent Count
Not currently on
a project 0.0% 0
1 to 5 38.3% 36
6 to 10 37.2% 35
11 to 20 16.0% 15
21 to 50 3.2% 3
51 to 100 5.3% 5
101 to 200 0.0% 0
201 to 500 0.0% 0
501 or more 0.0% 0
22. What is the level of application of TDD?
Response Response
Percent Count
Both Acceptance
and Developer
TDD 39.4% 37
Just Acceptance
TDD 1.1% 1
Just Developer
TDD 31.9% 30
(non-TDD) 12.8% 12
None 11.7% 11
Don’t know 3.2% 3
23. What other forms of testing is your team doing? (select all that apply, if any)
Response Response
Percent Count
End of lifecycle
testing by
QA/Test Team 45.2% 38
Parallel testing
by independent
test team
throughout the
lifecycle 35.7% 30
testing 59.5% 50
testing 22.6% 19
inspections of
work products 52.4% 44
24. Who is writing tests and when are they doing it? (check all that apply, if any)
Response Response
Percent Count
Analysts write
tests before
developers write
production code 20.0% 18
Developers write
tests before
production code 81.1% 73
Developers write
tests after
production code 56.7% 51
Testers write
tests after
write production
code 36.7% 33
25. How is your team capturing requirements specifications? (check all that apply, if any)
Response Response
Percent Count
acceptance tests 44.7% 42
management tool
ChangeQuest) 39.4% 37
Diagrams in
drawing tools
(e.g. Visio,
PowerPoint) 17.0% 16
Digital snapshots
of whiteboard
sketches 13.8% 13
Paper models
(cards, ...) 35.1% 33
management tool
ReqPro) 20.2% 19
Modeling Tool
models (e.g.
ErWin, RSA,
Architect) 7.4% 7
sketches 34.0% 32
Wiki 25.5% 24
Word processor/
text editor 52.1% 49
26. How are you capturing design specifications? (check all that apply, if any)
Response Response
Percent Count
Defect management
tool (e.g.
ChangeQuest) 21.7% 20
Developer tests 56.5% 52
Diagrams in
drawing tools
(e.g. Visio,
Powerpoint) 30.4% 28
Digital snapshots
of whiteboard
sketches 20.7% 19
Paper models
(cards, ...) 27.2% 25
Modeling Tool
models (e.g.
ErWin, RSA,
Architect) 12.0% 11
sketches 48.9% 45
Wiki 38.0% 35
Word processor/
text editor 38.0% 35