Golden rules for software testing
Posted by Ray Claridge
在這篇文章中, 作者介紹他的測試經驗.
1. 儘早發現bug.
- 在開發前, 藉由分析需求來尋找問題
2. 確定你的測試有三個層次
- Integration testing (performed by IT)
- System testing (performed by professional testers)
- Acceptance testing (performed by business users)
3. 不要期望自動化測試能幫太多忙
- 自動化測試相當有用可以省不少時間
- 但是它也非常昂貴, 並且可能是不正確的解法
4. 處理抗拒或阻力
- 可能到最後關頭只有你堅守品質, 你必須面對不同角色來給你的壓力, 還包括最後的結案期限.
- 你能做的就是回報真正的狀況, 讓數字和內容說話.
5.對每個新的release進行regression testing
- 確認所有舊功能仍然能運作正常
6. Let real users test with real data
- This one is obvious but who does it ?
- You cannot beat real data.
7. 對每個bug設定適當的severity
- Critical (must have, no work around)
- High (must have, work around possible)
- Medium (not business critical, but wanted)
- Low (nice to have)
8. 由使用者決定bug修復的優先順序
9. Exit and entry criteria
- You should talk about exit and entry criteria with IT. When is software good enough to deliver to a test team ? Think about server errors, certain level of IT testing achieved, when and how to build...
- Same goes for business. What quality do they expect ? Who is going to make decisions on when to go live ? Make sure it is not you. Your role should be advisory.
10. 著重在測試流程(process)而不是測試工具(tool)
- 有些人說test management非常有用, 他們可以幫你做很多事情
- 但是不要忘記, 若你沒有決定testing process, 是沒有任何工具可以幫助你決定的
- 只要你能定義好你要做的事情, 即使用MS Excel也可以很成功