Scrum History

1.New New Product Development Game - Harvard Business Publishing, 1986
- It mentioned
“This new emphasis on speed and flexibility calls for a different approach for managing new product development. The traditional sequential or “relay race” approach to product development – (editors note: i.e. “waterfall” ) … – may conflict with the goals of maximum speed and flexibility. Instead, a holistic or “rugby” approach – where a team tries to go the distance as a unit, passing the ball back and forth – may better serve today’s competitive requirements.”

2. “Wicked Problems, Righteous Solutions”, DeGrace and Stahl, 1990
- First mention of Scrum in a software context

3. Jeff Sutherland
- Initial Scrum at Easel Corp in 1993
- IDX and nearly 600 people doing Scrum
- Not just for trivial projects: life-critical software for x-rays and MRIs

4. Ken Schwaber
- “Scrum Development Process”, Ken Schwaber, OOPSLA Business Object Design and Implementation Workshop , 1995
- “Agile Software Development with Scrum.”, Schwaber, Mike Beedle, 2001

5. Mike Beedle
- Scrum patterns in PLOPD 4(Pattern Language of Program Design 4), 1999

6. Mike Cohn
published many well-known Scrum books
- User Stories Applied: For Agile Software Development, 2004
- Agile Estimating and Planning, 2005
- Succeeding with Agile: Software Development Using Scrum, 2009

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