很多接觸敏捷的人, 都會聽到要成立自組織的團隊(self-organizing teams).
很多人會認為自組織就是可以自己組織團隊, 自己可以做自己想要的事情, 是這樣嗎?
我們來看看 Scrum Guide 怎麼說:
- Self-organising teams choose how best to accomplish their work, rather than being directed by others outside the team
- Development Teams are structured and empowered by the organization to organize and manage their own work.
然後在 Agile Manifesto 的 principles 中, 也有提到類似的概念
- Build projects around motivated individuals. Give them the environment and support they need, and trust them to get the job done.
Mike Cohn, 一位敏捷界的大神, 在 The Role of Leaders on a Self-Organizing Teams 一文中提到
- Self-organizing teams are not free from management control. Management chooses for them what product to build or often chooses who will work on their project, but they are nonetheless self-organizing. Neither are they free from influence
在 Authority Matrix 中, 提到四種層次的團隊
(1) Manager-led teams
僅授權團隊成員執行任務, 而由管理者監控和管理工作流程, 規劃環境和設定方向
(2) Self-managing teams
讓成員不僅負責任務的執行, 還要管理他們自己的流程
(3) Self-designing teams
(4) Self-governing teams
公司的董事會, 合夥人或初創公司通常有如圖所示的四種工作
大部分的文章說, Scrum 的團隊大約落在 Self-managing teams. 而不算是在 Self-designing teams 中.
根據以上這些資料, 看起來這個自組織團隊是由公司所組織產生, 並且授權給自組織團隊, 讓他們自己決定要怎麼完成工作. 組織不該指派團隊要怎麼分配工作, 也不用告訴他們怎麼做. 但是要做什麼是組織決定.