Scrum 和 XP的比較

Should We Adopt Scrum or XP?

(1) 著重於 "let's create excellent software."
(2) 比較不容易開始, 因為要學習TDD, refactoring, pair programming, customer on site...不是很快可以做到.
(3) 開開始會花很多時間, 會很痛苦, 因為要adopt很多engineering practices. 如果度過後, 就不太會有code quality的問題, 並且performance會很高. 但是若是沒有撐過, 最後可能會失敗, 或是放棄.
(4) XP 不容易開始, 但是容易去精通它, 但是失敗時會以很吵鬧的方式結束
(5) You're less likely to successfully adopt XP, but you'll be well positioned for long-term success and mastery.
(6) If you're missing pieces, you'll probably be able to tell.

(1) 著重於 "let's create a self-organizing team"
(2) 比較容易開始, 只要team願意adopt, 工作規劃上照著scrum 的規則走就可以
(3) 但是Scrum 有較長的ramp-up時間, 並且很長一段時間會有code quality的問題
(4) Scrum 容易開始, 但是不容易去精通它, 但是失敗時會以無聲無息的方式結束
(5) You're more likely to successfully adopt Scrum, but the benefits won't extend to your codebase and you'll struggle with legacy code for many years.
(6) If you're missing pieces, you may not realize it.


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