We’re Doing Scrum But…
March 5th, 2009
Posted by Dennis Stevens
作者是一位在IBM工作, 並且相信PMBok的人. 他經由書上或是師徒的關係, 學到有關Scrum的知識. 並且根據他懂的部份, 來執行scrum. 他覺得Agile/Scrum是以比較不負責任的方式在工作.
並且在網路上, 聽到很多人套用Scrum後, 有以下的抱怨
- “Scrum doesn’t work”
- “Scrum makes the devleopers life easier but hurts the customer”
- “The lack of overall budget/timeline is a killer (only look 1 sprint forward, really)”
最近他參加Jeff Sutherland的Certified Scrum Master課程. Jeff提出了一個概念: ScrumBut.
什麼是SrcumtBut呢? 雖然你在做Scrum, 但是不是真的Scrum. 因此你無法獲得, 真正執行Scrum團隊所得到的好處.
Jeff 也提出了一個測試, 評估你是否是ScrumBut. 這測試是的玩法是, 選擇每向你目前的作法, 把它所想對應的分數加總, 然後把你的分數除以9.
Question 1 - Iterations
- No Iterations - 0
- Iterations > 6 weeks - 1
- Variable Length
- Fixed iteration length 6 weeks - 3
- Fixed iteration length 5 weeks - 4
- Fixed iteration length 4 weeks or less - 10
Question 2 - Testing within the Sprint
- No dedicated QA - 0
- Unit tested - 1
- Feature tested - 5
- Feature tested as soon as completed - 7
- Software passes acceptance testing - 8
- Software is deployed - 10
Question 3 - Agile Specification
- No requirements - 0
- Big requirements documents - 1
- Poor user stories - 4
- Good requirements - 5
- Good user stories - 7
- Just enough, just in time specifications - 8
- Good user stories tied to specification as needed - 10
Question 4 - Product Owner
- No Product Owner - 0
- Product Owner who doesn’t understand Scrum - 1
- Product Owner who disrupts team - 2
- Product Owner not involved in team - 2
- Product Owner with clear product backlog estimated by team before Sprint Planning meeting (READY) - 5
- Product Owner with a release roadmap with data based on team velocity - 8
- Product Owner who motivates the team - 10
Question 5 - Product Backlog
- No Product Backlog - 0
- Multiple Product Backlogs - 1
- Single Product Backlog - 3
- Product Backlog clearly specified and prioritized by ROI (business value) before Sprint Planning (READY) - 5
- Product Owner has release plan based on Produce Backlog - 7
- Product Owner can measure ROI (business value) based on real revenue, cost per story point, or other metrics - 10
Question 6 - Estimates
- Product Backlog not estimated - 0
- Estimates not produced by team - 1
- Estimates not produced by planning poker - 5
- Estimates produced by planning poker by team - 8
- Estimate error
Question 7 - Burndown Chart
- No burndown chart - 0
- Burndown chart no updated by team - 1
- Burndown chart in hours/days not accounting for work in progress (partial tasks burn down) - 2
- Burndown chart only burns down when task is done (TrackDone pattern) - 4
- Burndown only burns down when story is done - 5
- Add 3 points of team knows velocity
- Add two points if Product Owner release plan based on known velocity
Question 8 - Team Disruption
- Manager or Project Leader disrupts team - 0
- Product Owner disrupts team - 1
- Managers, Project Leaders or Team Leaders telling people what to do - 3
- Have Project Leader and Scrum roles - 5
- No one disrupting team, only Scrum roles - 10
Question 9 - Team
- Tasks assigned to individual during Sprint Planning - 0
- Team members do not have any overlap in their area of expertise - 0
- No emergent leadership - one or more team members designated as a directive authority - 1
- Team does not have the necessary competency - 2
- Team commits collectively to Sprint goal and backlog - 7
- Team members collectively fight impediments during the sprint - 9
- Team is in hyperproductive state - 10
如果你的分數平均不到6,你可能沒有真正在套用Scrum. 如果你的分數不高, 你可以看看那一個項目處理不好, 來特別加強它.