2010 Agile 開發方法的調查結果
source: 5th Annual State of Agile Development Survey Final summary report, VersionOne
這分調查報告內容還蠻豐富的, 有些地方還超出我的想像. 我列出了一些我有興趣的項目
1. 使用哪種agile 方法論
Scrum (31%)
ScrumXP Hybrid (9.4%)
CustomHybrid (2.9%)
Extreme Programming (2%)
Note: 目前看起來Scrum主流, 但是Scrum + XP 也不少人使用. 我自己本身是比較傾向兩則合用, 沒有XP的scrum, 對於engineer來說太政治.
2. 應用agile幫助最明顯的地方
- Enhance Ability to Manage Changing Priorities
- Improve Project Visibility
- Improve Alignment Between IT and Business Objectives
- Improved Team Morale
- Accelerate TimetoMarket
Note: 調整優先順序是立意良好, 但是engineer也容易覺得無所適從. 至於visibility, 若是大家還是用MS project來輔助, 那進度可能還是不太透明, 可能要藉由在rveiw meeting上多多demo來補足其不足.
3. 未來要使用agile的障礙
- Ability to change org. culture
- Availability of personnel with the necessary skills
- General resistance to change
- Management support
- Project complexity or size
Note: minset永遠是最難解決的問題, 不管你要推甚麼東西. 所以你能做的只有改變自己, 而不是只想改變別人
4. 最常被使用的agile practice
- Iteration Planning
- Daily Standup
- Unit Testing
- Release Planning
- Retrospectives
Note: 我還真沒想到unit testing這麼多人會做. 至少在台灣我感覺還真不容易推. 當然這不是engineer的問題, 而是組織文化讓工程師沒有空去寫它.
5. 認為導致agile project失敗的原因
- None of our Agile projects would be considered failed or uns
- External pressure to follow traditional waterfall phases and Unwillingness of team to follow agile practices
- Insufficient training
- Lack of management support