Agile Testing - Nine Principles and Six Concrete Practices for Testing on Agile Teams
- Elisabeth Hendrickson
這是一篇介紹agile testing的簡報. 她告訴你agile testing基本上的不同是什麼. 其中令我最驚訝的地方, 是簡報中的插圖, 畫的十分生動傳神. 把agile testing mindset的轉變給highlight出來. 我想它是一篇讓你很快可以上手, 了解agile testing是什麼的文章
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Perfect Software: And Other Illusions about Testing
by Gerald M. Weinberg
最近在網路上閒逛時, 忽然間發現了一個熟悉的名字: Gerald M. Weinberg. 他要出新書了. 你知道他是誰嗎? 他就是這些中譯書的原始作者
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這是目前我在網路上找到介紹Performance Testing最詳盡的網站
曾經寫過一些系列文章, 像是
User Experience, not Metrics Series (共13篇)
Beyond Performance Testing Series (共14篇)
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Improving .NET Application Performance and Scalability
這本書是在描述微軟如何做Performance engineering. 其中有一章節是在描述如何做performance testing. 我節錄了一小段讓大家聞香一下. 有興趣的人可至微軟網站download這本書. 不過有一千多頁, 要花不少時間才能看完.
Step 1: Identify key scenarios
(1) Scenarios are anticipated user paths that generally incorporate multiple application activities
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The definition of Load/Stress/Performance Test
Most people don't know how to distinguish between load, stress and performance testing. Therefore I do a little survey to confirm the definition of load, stress and performance testing. I hope it's helpful to let everyone can understand them well.
1. The Art of Software Testing, Glenford J. Myers
A. Volume Testing
Volume testing is subjecting the program to heavy volumes of data.
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