Testing Efficiency和 Testing Effectiveness的差別
2 Notorious “E”’s of Testing
Efficiency和 Effectiveness這兩個字, 自一開使我就沒有搞清楚, 他們有什麼差別. 可能是我英文不好吧, 總覺得應該是一樣的. 沒想到和verification和validation 一樣, 都是大有學問, 並且有明顯的不同.
Peter Drucker為這兩個字下了很好的定義:
Efficiency(效率) is doing things right;
Effectiveness(有效) is doing the right things
而Testing Effectiveness and Testing Efficiency又是代表什麼呢? 作者的權勢如下:
Testing Effectiveness
(1) effectiveness has a notion of "degree of serving the purpose"
- As testers we serve our stakeholders.
- Different stakeholders have different expectations from testing.
- Testers form their mission to suit those expectations.
(2) Since there could be multiple stakeholders (hence multiple testing missions), your testing (approach, tools and techniques) cannot be effective for all missions.
(3) Learn to negotiate with the stakeholders, try to iron out conflicts and state in your test strategy which missions you are focusing on and why.
(4) Effectiveness deals with "fitness of approach/tool/techniques to serving mission" and
(5) Effectiveness is about "how powerful is your way of doing things" and
Test Efficiency
(1) Efficiency is related to the notion of degree of conversion of deployed input (human and machine capital) to desired outcomes.
(2) To serve multiple stakeholders and testing missions, we as testers need to employ a diverse set of techniques, tools and methods.
(3) Efficiency deals with "conversation rate of deployed capital (humans and machines) to intended output".
(4) Efficiency is about "how well you do things".
可是在軟體測試中, Testing Effectiveness and Testing Efficiency是不容易做到的, 這是因為我們無法定義什麼是做對的事(do the right things), 或是把事作對 (do the things right).
那個"right"到底是代表什麼呢? 很多QA會一直question這件事.
再加上我們的stakeholder很多, RD, project manager, Beta customer, developer manager.. 都是. 每個人的需求想法都不一樣, 並且也不是每個stakeholder都能清楚講出他們要的什麼.
所以啦, QA的挑戰真的是比較大的, 尤其是要處理人的問題, 是要比處理技術的問題困難多了. 要想來當QA的人, 不要認為他是很容易的工作, 否則到時候會挫折感很重的.