How can I get tests automated with back-to-back, short iterations? I don't have time

Agile最大的特色, 就是會有很多iteration發生. 但是這件事情, 帶給QA很大的負擔. 因為每次你將會有很多regression test需要執行, 而且你要執行的範圍, 不是只有這次新增的功能, 往往可能是要包含以前的features.

可是呢? 每次iteration的時間都很有限, 最多只有讓你有時間測完這次的功能, 你不太可能有時間去保全部的test cases, 去確認所有的功能是否正常. 所以每次只好欺騙自己, 之前的部分沒有動到, 所以應該部會有問題. 真的是這樣嗎? 我想你應該知道那是有點在騙自己的感覺.

那有沒有方法可以解決呢? 以下是這篇文章建議如何adopt test atuomation到你各個層面, 期待藉由高automation ratio, 來讓你每個interation的測試能夠cover的層面較廣, 讓你會比較安心

Agile Testing Realities

1. The whole development team, not only the testers, needs to tackle test automation.
2. Start by implementing a continuous integration and build process so you have a way to run your tests automatically, and get quick feedback from them.
3. Unit tests have the best ROI, so start test automation efforts there.
4. For legacy code, try a lightweight automation tool and do simple smoke tests that don't have a lot of logic in them and are easy to maintain. You'll be surprised how many regression bugs they find.
5. Cut down the scope of work your development team commits to in each iteration so you make sure there is time to finish all test automation tasks. Don't put them off until the next iteration - that's the road to perdition.
6 Repeat this mantra, write it on your story board or whiteboard: No story is done until it's tested! This includes automating regression tests for it too!

其實agile的方法是配套產生的, 你既然要iteration, 就會面臨這樣的測試問題, 所以他們才會提倡test driven, 以及一些高度test automation的工作, 這樣才能真正確保每個iteration的品質.

不過往往我們在執行時, 常常只是adopt一部分的practices, 自然而然地就會遇到很多問題. 就像我們公司, 很多team就只是要求要iteration, 可是相關RD or QA要配合的動作沒做, 自然就會run的很辛苦. 怪不得每次一adopt某個新的methodology, 就黑掉一個methodology. 慎之, 戒之啊!!

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